PDF contains a lot of white text, how to make it black by command line tool?

Question:I tried some methods but it only changes the tables that have white borders, (which is a step in the right direction) I'd like to turn the white font to black.These are big PDF so PDF Editor is a no. As I said, the above is a partial solution.The font is already white, the background is white, but the default colors (it's a black color scheme) on the machine it was made on meant that this wasn't known to the author. I am just wondering that is there a solution on VeryPDF?

Answer: According to your needs, maybe you can have a free trial of the software named VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer Command Line, by which you can turn the white font to black. And this is command line version software, so allows you to change PDF font in batch. By this software, you can also replace PDF text font content. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

Step 1. Free download PDF Text Replacer Command Line

  • When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file, please extract it to some folder then you can call the executable file in MS Dos Windows.
  • This is Window version, for now the command line version can not be used under other system.

Step 2. Change PDF Font by command line

  • Here is the usage for your reference: Usage: pdftr.exe [options] <Input-file> <Output-file>
  • When you need to change PDF font, please refer to the following parameters and command line templates:
    -pagerange <string>              : set page range for search keywords, e.g., 1,3-5,7,9
  • -searchtext <string>              : search text in PDF pages and show result to console
    -overlaytextcolor <string>    : set overlay text color, in Hex, default is 000000
    -overlaybgcolor <string>      : set overlay text background color, in Hex, default is FFFFFF

    pdftr.exe -overlaytextfontname "Arial" -overlaytextcolor FF0000 -overlaybgcolor 00FF00 -searchandoverlaytext "Old Text=>Old Text||VeryPDF=>VeryPDF||My Name=MY Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
    By this above command line template, you can only change PDF font color and do not change PDF font content. No matter how many pairs of font parts you need to change, simply copy it here and then separate them by symbol || that would be OK.

  • By this command line tool, you can control change PDF font applied page range. Say you can apply it to one page or the whole PDF file. So by this function, you can process PDF in batch.

By this software and this method, you can change PDF font to black from white by command line. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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