Your product "PDF Text Replacer Command Line" seems exactly what I need. However I have seen a slight problem. On the line of any replacement, the old text DOES successfully get replace, but the rest of the line has spaces removed.
For example.
Hello Great World!
If I want to replace 'World' with mars, the result is:
Please advise, thank you
CMD line:
pdftr -oldtext "UMBRELLA" -newtext "FOOBAR" C:\scripts\HCA.DEC.001.UMBRELLA.pdf c:\scripts\out.pdf
Please see attached files. Original. Output will be sent in next message.
PDF Text Replacer Command Line Standalone Version (pdftr.exe)
Please run following command line to try again, the following command line will work fine to you,
pdftr.exe -embedfont 0 -overlaytextfontsize 80% -searchandoverlaytext "UMBRELLA=>FOOBAR" D:\VeryPDF.pdf D:\out.pdf
Thank you, this worked. My only remaining question, is, will this work
for every PDF, regardless of version? from 4.0 upwards?
Thanks. I hope the answer is yes.
Yes, this command line will work for all PDF files.
If you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.
Thank you, Frank. This is the most applicable software I have seen yet. None of the free tools seem to seem to work as well. I will test for a week. Then purchase, most likely. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
Oh, I apologize. One last question (that I am sure is in the DOCs), but can I replace en masse. For example give a long list of replacements, and they can all be executed on one invocation of pdftr.exe?
Yes, you can replace long text and more lists easily, for example,
pdftr.exe -embedfont 0 -overlaytextfontsize 80% -searchandoverlaytext "UMBRELLA 123 456 kkk=>FOOBAR 333 555 ddd||abc=>def||VeryPDF=>VeryDOC" D:\test.pdf D:\out.pdf