I am interested in an SDK API to insert text and mark checkboxes as checked from our web application in the following workflow,
1. Client fills out fields for a Social Security Form on our web page.
2. When the web page form is submitted our application reads an SS Form off of the Hard Drive and inserts the fields that were filled out on the web page.
3. Our application then saves the completed form to disk.
Can the developer edition provide an SDK that can find fields or text and then insert the information provided by the customer?
Thanks for your message, the following products will meet your requirements,
PDF Form Filler SDK,
You can use "PDF Form Filler SDK" to fill PDF forms and check/uncheck the CheckBoxes easily,
VeryPDF PDFSharp SDK for .NET,
You can use "VeryPDF PDFSharp SDK for .NET" to fill PDF forms and check/uncheck the CheckBoxes easily too, this product is designed for .NET program languages,
You may download the trial version of them from our website to try, please feel free to let us know if you encounter any problem with them.