advanced pdf tools

Unable to set Author field by Advanced PDF Tools Command Line app


On Sunday 1 May I made an on-line purchase of Advanced PDF Tools Command Line on order XXXXXXXXX. I have been trying to use the application to set the author tag in a group of pdf files via a batch file. I’ve been unable to do this. I’ve been able to set the title of the pdf files and at one time the app set the creator tag to the authors name but not the author tag to the author name.


Please run following command line to try again,

pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -a "author"   -e ""

if you still can't get it work, please email to us your sample PDF file for test purpose, after we checked your sample PDF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.


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advanced pdf tools

Initial View Show Attachments Panel and Page in PDF Tools

With pdftools, how do I set Initial View to:

"Show Attachments Panel and Page"

I used tools to attach files, but  need to signify to users to look for the attachment!!!

I cannot find that command.

This is all I find at:

pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -b "UseNone" to hide outline or thumbnail,


pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -b "UseOutlines" to display the outline (bookmarks) of the file output.pdf when opening,


pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -b "UseThumbs" to display thumbnail images when opening the output.pdf, and

PDFTools hasn't an option to set "Show Attachments Panel and Page" feature yet.

I think you need to track the updates in Acrobat and then revise your utilities to track new features in Acrobat.
Back when you did version 1, probably there was not attachment feature - or was not used much.
Also, now you have other features in Acrobat - packages etc.

I will be pleased to provide you with suggested features to incorporate.

Also, for the intial view, I suggest you change your help file to use the same language and words used in Acrobat -I.e. view "bookmarks" not "outline" etc.
Thanks for your great suggestion, we will try to support " Initial View Show Attachments Panel and Page " function in the next version of Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product, we will let you know after new version is ready, thanks for your patience.


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docprint pro

Questions on HTML to PDF Converter SDK

Dear Support,
I would like to ask some question before purchasing HTML to PDF Converter SDK:
1- After I generate the PDF file I cannot select the images and the text so if I purchase the SDK can these will be selectable.
2- Can I configure the header and the footer of the output PDF file.

Best Regards,

>>I would like to ask some question before purchasing HTML to PDF Converter SDK:
>>1- After I generate the PDF file I cannot select the images and the text so if I purchase the SDK can these will be selectable.

We suggest you may download docPrint SDK from following page to try, you can use docPrint SDK to convert HTML file to PDF file, you can select images and text in converted PDF file easily,

Please refer to user manual from following web pages,
>>2- Can I configure the header and the footer of the output PDF file.

You can configure the header and the footer of the output PDF file easily, please refer to following sample command lines,

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s "htmlheader=original" -s "htmlfooter=original" -i -o C:\out.pdf

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s "htmlheader=&w &d &T" -s "htmlfooter=&u &D &p of &P" -i -o C:\out.pdf

Dear Support,

       I want to ask another question if there any paging options in the SDK that I can put in the header    

>>if there any paging options in the SDK that I can put in the header 

With htmltools.exe application, you can use -wtext parameter to put the text to the page header,

Add watermarks into PDF files:
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wc "0000FF" "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wx 100 -wy 100 "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 1 "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 2 "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 0 -wa 45 "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" -wh 20 "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" -wh 20 -wb -wi -wu -ws "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
   htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" -walign 3 -wh 20 -wbox "0,770,612,792" "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
with docPrint Pro v5.0 application, you can use following parameters to set header and footer,

-s htmlheader=XXX    : Set page header in HTML to PDF conversion
-s htmlfooter=XXX    : Set page footer in HTML to PDF conversion

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s "htmlheader=Page Header Test" -s "htmlfooter=Page Footer Test" -i -o C:\out.pdf
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s "htmlheader=original" -s "htmlfooter=original" -i -o C:\out.pdf
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s "htmlheader=&w &d &T" -s "htmlfooter=&u &D &p of &P" -i -o C:\out.pdf


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html to image converter

HTML to IMAGE Requirement

I am using ckeditor to create html file. I am looking for good html to image convertor that create mirror image of html output.

Is your convertor meet my requirement ? Can you send me demo copy for some days trial so, i can use it for few days ?

Are you guys provide support after installation ?

Waiting for your reply.

Thanks for your message, you can download the trial version of HTML to Image Converter from following web page to try,

you can run following command line to convert html to image file easily,

html2image -url= -out=C:\verydoc.png
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.jpg -quality=70

We are provide gold support for our products, please look at following page for our support options,


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doc to any converter

I can’t convert a .DocX to a PDF file

Hi Verydoc,

I have downloaded your  DOC to Any Converter SDK/COM Version, and is trying to use it.

I have created a small project in Delphi, where I try con convert a .DocX to a PDF, but in my project I don’t get any result out of this.
The library seems to load fine, but as I use it as a com object, I do not seem to get any error results back.

I guess this is because I don’t have any Input Registration Key.

To evaluate your software, can I have a registration key, which will last just a couple of days/  a week?
Kind regards
Yes, it is maybe caused by limitation in trial version.

For the evaluation purpose, we suggest you may download DOC to Any Converter Command Line from following web page to try,

you can run following command line to convert your DOCX file to PDF file,

doc2any.exe -debug C:\test.docx C:\out.pdf

can you convert your DOCX file to PDF file correctly by DOC to Any Converter Command Line application?

Thanks for your suggestion.

With the command line tool, I will be able to test the quality of the output from the PDF Generator.

As I'm going  to create a webservice, which will convert docX files to PDF files, I would like to test/see it wok with you com object.
Will this be possible?

Kind regards,
Yes, this is possible, you can call doc2any.exe command line from your web service to convert DOCX files to PDF files easily, but you need give enough permission to MS Word DCOM, please refer to Example #9, Example #12 at following web pages for more information,


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