image to pdf converter

Use Image2PDF from command line

I am evaluating the product you have to do TIF to PDF conversion and I’m looking for examples of how to format the command line properly. I have your image converter that converts PDF to other documents and I found a readme.txt that had some great examples. I would like to prove out the command before purchasing. I see on your website that it mentions to look in the uncompressed directory for more examples, but I couldn’t locate any.


Please download Image2PDF Command Line v3.2 from following URL,

after you unzip it to a folder, you can run following command lines to convert image files to PDF files,


1.Convert one folder in to a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir

2.Convert multi folder into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir1 F:\inputdir2

3.Convert a tiff file into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputfile.tif

4.Convert tiff files and multi directory into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputfile.tif F:\inputdir1 F:\inputdir2

5.Register Image2PDF Command Line with your registration key:

img2pdf.exe "-$" "XXXXXXXXXX"

Please replace "XXXXXXXXXX" with your registratin key.

6.Convert TIFF file to PDF file and retain original paper size:

img2pdf.exe -r -1 -o C:\out.pdf C:\in.tif


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pdf form filler

Command line pdf form filling from text file

Do you have any Command line tool for pdf form filling from text file?


Please download PDF Form Filler SDK (COM) v3.1 from following web page to try,

you can write a command line application to call PDF Form Filler SDK (COM) v3.1, then you can fill the PDF forms with XML or FDF or XFDF easily.


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pdf viewer ocx

PDF Viewer OCX

hello i have to ask about pdf viewer ocx. my question : is this product have support for search into Unicode language PDF ? we have some arabic pdf and have to know is this can search into them!? regards
Our pdf viewer ocx doesn't support search for Arabic language, it is support search for English characters only, sorry for this matter.


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doc to any converter

Questions on doc2any

i am evaluating your product doc2any (command line), and have some questions.
• i dont' understand exactly how to use the flag -useoffice, can it be used in conjunction with -useprinter ?
what does it mean -useoffice 0, files just don't get converted that way.
• if i use -useprinter and -rotate 90 the pages get converterd, but not rotated.
• is there a way to convert only a subset of pages?
Thank you, waiting for your answer.

Thank you, please answer my further questions:

>>• i dont' understand exactly how to use the flag -useoffice, can it be used in conjunction with -useprinter ?

Yes, you can use -useoffice and -useprinter parameters together.

OK, but what is the effect and the difference between using -useoffice, -useprinter, ot both toghether with 0/1 flag?

>>what does it mean -useoffice 0, files just don't get converted that way.
With "-useoffice 0" parameter, doc2any.exe will convert DOC file to PDF file without use MS Office.

Only to PDF or to any format?
Is there a quality difference between converting with/without printer ?

>>• if i use -useprinter and -rotate 90 the pages get converterd, but not rotated.

Can you please email to us the exact command line that you using? We will test your command line in our system shortly.

Use the mytest.ppt attached.

doc2any.exe -useprinter -rotate 90 mytest.ppt mytest.jpg this will not rotate the pages.

if i convert to pdf instead of raster images, it gets converter right, without the need of the rotate flag.

>>• is there a way to convert only a subset of pages?

Yes, the latest pre-release version of doc2any.exe does support this feature, after you purchased doc2any.exe, please email to us your Order ID, we will send the pre-release version of doc2any.exe to you asap.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

I am interested in knowing the new features of the pre-release version, can you send me some document?

thank you

-useoffice 1 will use MS Office to convert documents.
-useoffice 0 will not use MS Office to convert documents.

-useprinter will use virtual printer to convert documents, without this parameter, doc2any.exe will not use the virtual printer.

You can combine these parameters arbitrarily

Sorry, but i need to understand what is the difference in using the combinations. Your description of the syntax is clear, but i cannot tell what is the difference in terms of output quality.

>>Only to PDF or to any format?
>>Is there a quality difference between converting with/without printer ?
-useprinter will affect he PDF, PS, EPS, SWF, TIFF, JPEG, etc. formats.
-useprinter will generate high quality JPEG and TIFF formats.

is it the same for PNG ?

>>Use the mytest.ppt attached.
>>doc2any.exe -useprinter -rotate 90 mytest.ppt mytest.jpg this will not
>>rotate the pages.
>>if i convert to pdf instead of raster images, it gets converter right, without the need of the rotate flag.
Thanks for your sample PPT file, it seems "-rotate 90" doesn't support JPEG format at the moment, we will enable "-rotate 90" option for JPEG format in the future releases, we will send the new version to you when it ready.

This happens for PNGs also, will this option be introduced for PNGs also ?

>>I am interested in knowing the new features of the pre-release version, can you send me some document?
You can download the pre-release version from following URL,

you can run following command lines to convert your DOC file to PDF file with page range,

doc2any.exe -useprinter -pagerange "2-3" "C:\test.docx" "C:\test.pdf"

doc2any.exe -useprinter -pagerange "2,4-6,8-" "C:\test.docx" "C:\test. pdf"

OK does the pagerange work also for converting to raster image formats?

>>Sorry, but i need to understand what is the difference in using the combinations.
>>Your description of the syntax is clear, but i cannot tell what is the difference in terms of output quality.

In general, you can use "-useoffice 1 -useprinter" to convert your documents to PDF or TIFF files, "-useoffice 1 -useprinter" will create high quality PDF and TIFF files, you can always use these parameters.

>>Only to PDF or to any format?
>>Is there a quality difference between converting with/without printer ?
>>-useprinter will affect he PDF, PS, EPS, SWF, TIFF, JPEG, etc. formats.
>>-useprinter will generate high quality JPEG and TIFF formats.
>>is it the same for PNG ?

Yes, same for PNG image format.

>>Use the mytest.ppt attached.
>>doc2any.exe -useprinter -rotate 90 mytest.ppt mytest.jpg this will not
>>rotate the pages.
>>if i convert to pdf instead of raster images, it gets converter right, without the need of the rotate flag.
>>Thanks for your sample PPT file, it seems "-rotate 90" doesn't support
>>JPEG format at the moment, we will enable "-rotate 90" option for JPEG
>>format in the future releases, we will send the new version to you when it ready.
>>This happens for PNGs also, will this option be introduced for PNGs also ?

Yes, "-rotate 90" option doesn't support PNG image format too. Because PNG and JPG are all belong to the image format.

>>OK does the pagerange work also for converting to raster image formats?

Yes, -pagerange is support raster format too, for example,

doc2any.exe -useprinter -pagerange "2-3" -useprinter -useoffice 1 "D:\temp4\test.doc" C:\out.jpg

doc2any.exe -useprinter -pagerange "2-3" -useprinter -useoffice 1 "D:\temp4\test.doc" C:\out.png

Thank you.

Please, with the option -pagerange also a command to know in advance how many pages are there would be convenient.
Like doc2any.exe -pagecount that outputs a number in the console.

Thanks for your message, doc2any.exe hasn't an option to get the page number from a DOC file, however, after you purchased doc2any.exe product, please email to us your Order ID, we will ask our engineer to add -pagecount parameter to you free, we hoping this offer will okay to you.


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pdf to html converter

use pdf2html to convert a Russian document

Hello..i’m interested in pdf2html..but it seems it can’t convert a Russian document?

Please check the attached document.


Thanks for your message, our PDF2HTML GUI product doesn't support Russian characters, however, we suggest you may download PDF2HTML Command Line End User License v3.2 from following web page to try, PDF2HTML Command Line End User License v3.2 does support Russian characters, we hoping PDF2HTML Command Line End User License v3.2 will work fine to you.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

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