Use Image2PDF from command line

I am evaluating the product you have to do TIF to PDF conversion and I’m looking for examples of how to format the command line properly. I have your image converter that converts PDF to other documents and I found a readme.txt that had some great examples. I would like to prove out the command before purchasing. I see on your website that it mentions to look in the uncompressed directory for more examples, but I couldn’t locate any.


Please download Image2PDF Command Line v3.2 from following URL,

after you unzip it to a folder, you can run following command lines to convert image files to PDF files,


1.Convert one folder in to a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir

2.Convert multi folder into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir1 F:\inputdir2

3.Convert a tiff file into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputfile.tif

4.Convert tiff files and multi directory into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputfile.tif F:\inputdir1 F:\inputdir2

5.Register Image2PDF Command Line with your registration key:

img2pdf.exe "-$" "XXXXXXXXXX"

Please replace "XXXXXXXXXX" with your registratin key.

6.Convert TIFF file to PDF file and retain original paper size:

img2pdf.exe -r -1 -o C:\out.pdf C:\in.tif


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3 Replies to “Use Image2PDF from command line

  1. Hi Friends

    Why a pdf created with img2pdf has a size of 311kb while the pdf created with a virtual printer has only 35kb?
    This is my command line

    img2pdf.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -r -1 -o


    1. Can you send to us the sample source image file for test purpose? after we check your sample image file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

  2. We have released a new version of doc2any.exe today, you may download the new version of doc2any.exe from this web page,

    after you download and unzip it to a folder, you can run following command
    line to convert your EMF file to a small PDF file at high quality,

    doc2any.exe -imgfilter 1 -reduceimgdpi 72 -nofontembed
    D:\downloads\18808906.emf D:\downloads\18808906.pdf

    All text contents can be maintained in the PDF file, the generated PDF file is searchable, the PDF file is in high quality.

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