pdf security, verypdf sdk & com

Do you have a Linux version of VeryPDF PDF Security and Signature (Shell & COM & SDK) product?

Dear All,

Where i can download the Suse Linux trial version for below production.

VeryPDF PDF Security and Signature (Shell & COM & SDK)

tried to download from below path,but the version is for windows only,



Thanks for your message, "VeryPDF PDF Security and Signature (Shell & COM & SDK)" doesn't support Linux system yet, however, if you wish to process PDF files on Linux system, we suggest you may download "VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux" from this web page to try,


You can also download "Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)" from this web page,


Above products are all can process PDF files on Linux system, we hope these products will useful to you.


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pdf stamp

How to add a text stamp to PDF file and keep the original signature?

Dear support team,

To add watermark with pdfstamp.exe, we are experiencing issue the signed signature from PDF. Here is the command I verified with local PDF:

pdfstamp -AT "For Approval" -FT "Solid Edge ISO Bold" -R0 -FS13 -P5 -MLR-465 -MTB-30 -C#000000 -PDF "XAAC176631-v2.pdf" -O "XAAC176631-v2-1.pdf"

Attached please find sample pdf with signed signature: XAAC176631-v2.pdf

Could you please help check if it is possible to keep the signature, even if the watermark can not be added eventually?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks and Best Regards


Thanks for your message, the latest version of pdfstamp.exe does able to add a stamp to your PDF file and keep the signature properly.

I tried following command line in my system just now,

pdfstamp.exe -pdf D:\downloads\XAAC176631_v2.pdf -o D:\downloads\out.pdf -AT "For Approval" -FT "Solid Edge ISO Bold" -R0 -FS13 -P5 -MLR-465 -MTB-30 -C#000000

Please find the output PDF file in attachment, the stamped PDF file contains both stamp text and signature, it looks fine.

If you wish upgrade to the latest version, please send to us your original Order ID, we will send the upgrade web page to you shortly, the upgrade cost is 50% of purchase price.


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html converter (htmltools)

Convert HTML to PDF online and offline, Web/HTML to PDF Converter Command Line software

I would like to buy HTML Converter to convert HTML to PDF.
1. Is it an online software or rather running only on my computer?
2. Are the documents converted online, in the cloud or on my computer?
3. Do I need an internet connection to convert documents?
4. Are the converted documents shared with a third party in any way?
5. Is the process of converting documents made locally, only on my computer or is it supported online by some other external software?
6. Are converted documents, any information related to them or information from the course of conversion left available outside of my computer to anyone?
7. Will VeryPDF have access to my computer and converted documents?
8. Will VeryPDF issue an invoice for the purchased program?
9. Is the price of $ 59.00 a one-time payment? Will I be billed afterwards with any other costs such as subscription, update fee, etc.?
10. Which version is suitable for converting HTML to PDF?



Thanks for your message, please find the answers to your questions at below,

>>1. Is it an online software or rather running only on my computer?

Yes, VeryPDF has lots of online software, you may test them from this web pages,


>>2. Are the documents converted online, in the cloud or on my computer?

With the Online PDF Tools, you can convert the documents online.
With the Desktop PDF Tools, you can convert the documents in your system only.
You can choose either one according to your requirements.

>>3. Do I need an internet connection to convert documents?

With the Online PDF Tools, you need an internet connection to convert documents.
With the Desktop PDF Tools, you needn't an internet connection to convert documents, all of VeryPDF desktop tools can be used offline.

>>4. Are the converted documents shared with a third party in any way?

No, we never share the converted documents with a third party in any way, for both VeryPDF Online and Offline PDF Tools.

>>5. Is the process of converting documents made locally, only on my computer or is it supported online by some other external software?

VeryPDF Desktop PDF Tools are only convert the documents in your system, they are not using any external software or web service, your PDF files are exist in your local system only, this does protect your PDF files 100% safely.

>>6. Are converted documents, any information related to them or information from the course of conversion left available outside of my computer to anyone?

No, VeryPDF software doesn't send the documents to anyone.

>>7. Will VeryPDF have access to my computer and converted documents?

If you are using VeryPDF Desktop PDF Tools, VeryPDF Desktop PDF Tools will load the documents on your local system, convert them, and save the converted documents to your local system, all works are done in your local system only.

>>8. Will VeryPDF issue an invoice for the purchased program?

Yes, we will issue an invoice to you after your purchase is finished completely.

>>9. Is the price of $ 59.00 a one-time payment? Will I be billed afterwards with any other costs such as subscription, update fee, etc?

Yes, it is one time fee, you needn't pay any fee in the future.

>>10. Which version is suitable for converting HTML to PDF?

Thanks for your message, the "HTML Converter Command Line (htmltools.exe)" server license is great tool to convert from HTML files to PDF files, we suggest you may download "HTML Converter Command Line (htmltools.exe)" from our website to try,


after you download and unzip it to a folder, you can run following command lines to convert your HTML file or a URL to PDF file,

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX test.htm _test1.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX https://www.verypdf.com _web1.pdf

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -html2pdf2 test.htm _test_html2pdf2.pdf

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit test.htm _test_webkit.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit https://www.verypdf.com _web_webkit.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprintsdk.htm _verypdf_webkit.pdf

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit2 test.htm _test_webkit2.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit2 -width 1080 -height 1080 https://www.verypdf.com _web_webkit2.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit2 -width 1080 -height 1080 https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprintsdk.htm _verypdf_webkit2.pdf

In general, -webkit and -webkit2 options will work better for you, you may call htmltools.exe from your application to convert from web pages to PDF files easily, if you encounter any problem with htmltools.exe application, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.


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ocr products

How can I call OCR to Any Converter SDK from my C/C++ source code?


I went online to buy ocr2any yesterday, as I am not sure about the others so feel I should purchase the OCR as it is the primary piece of kit that I am after and it is working well for me. However, I was distracted by the discovery of your SDK, I had forgotten about it.

I presume it lets me use the library on my own machine but not to distribute any product based upon it, that is in the $1,995 developer licence. I downloaded it, could not find any include files in the SDK, so I take it, it is all done through the compiled headers, but is there a function reference or is it all in the examples? It is C that I am interested in. Are the prices in US dollars, please?

Best wishes.



Thanks for your message, yes, the OCR to Any Converter SDK Developer License is USD1995 per developer license, after you buy it, you can include it into your product and distribute it along with your product to your customer royalty free, you can also use this product on any systems as you want.

OCR to Any Converter SDK Developer License can be called from C/C++ source code, please find a C/C++ example project in "example_C++" folder, you can compile this project to an EXE application, then you can use this C/C++ example to call OCR to Any Converter SDK easily.

Here is a C/C++ example source code to call OCR to Any Converter SDK function,

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <objbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ocr2anycom.h"

void GetModulePath(char *out_path,char *in_name)
    char *p;
    GetModuleFileName(NULL, out_path, 256);
    p =strrchr(out_path,'\\');
void main()

        char szInFile[_MAX_PATH];
        GetModulePath(szInFile, "test_multi_columns.tif");

        char szOutFile[_MAX_PATH];
        GetModulePath(szOutFile, "_test_out.pdf");

        char *lpstrLicenseKey = "-$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX";

        char szCmd[4096] = {0};
        sprintf(szCmd, "-ocrmode 3 %s \"%s\" \"%s\"", lpstrLicenseKey, szInFile, szOutFile);

            _ocr2anyCom VeryPDFCom;
        catch(COleDispatchException* pEx)
            printf("Something is wrong...\n");

        char szInFile[_MAX_PATH];
        GetModulePath(szInFile, "test_multi_columns.tif");

        char szOutFile[_MAX_PATH];
        GetModulePath(szOutFile, "_test_out.rtf");

        char *lpstrLicenseKey = "-$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX";

        char szCmd[4096] = {0};
        sprintf(szCmd, "-ocr2 %s \"%s\" \"%s\"", lpstrLicenseKey, szInFile, szOutFile);

            _ocr2anyCom VeryPDFCom;
        catch(COleDispatchException* pEx)
            printf("Something is wrong...\n");

In order to call "VeryPDF.ocr2anyCom" from your C/C++ source code, you need register ocr2anyCom.exe into your system with administrator privilege first, for example,

REM -------------------------------------------
REM Please run a cmd window by administrator privilege, and then run following command line
REM -------------------------------------------

ocr2anyCom.exe /regserver

You can also run "install.vbs" from "libs" folder to register ocr2anyCom.exe into your system, "install.vbs" will use administrator privilege to register ocr2anyCom.exe automatically.

Yes, the price is in US Dollar, if you need it, you may purchase it from this web page directly,



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doc to any converter, ocr products

I need a software to convert PDF, Image, DOC, DOCX, CSV, etc. formats to text files from command line


I think we can PDF, Image formats to TXT format with command line. As well can we convert doc , csv, docx to txt format with pro version?


Thanks for your message, you can use VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line software to convert plain text based PDF files, scanned PDF files and image files to plain text files from command line, you may download the trial version of VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line from this web page to try,


If you would like to convert from DOC, DOCX, CSV, XLS, XLSX, etc. office formats to .txt files, you may download and use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line product from this web page,


If you wish extract from AZW, AZW3, CHM, DjVu, DOC, DOCX, EML, EPUB, FB2, FB3, HTML, LIT, MD, MHT, MOBI, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDB, PDF, PPT, PPTX, PRC, RTF, TCR, TXT, WPD, WRI, XLS, XLSX, etc. formats, the Text Extraction Command Line software may useful to you,


If you encounter any problem with these products, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.


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