How to convert Word to PDF and encrypt PDF via command line?

You can use VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) to convert Word to PDF and encrypt PDF via command line. VeryPDF Document Converter, also named VeryPDF docPrint Pro is an all-to-all document converter, and provides multiple versions including a command line version. It supports batch conversion, wildcard and output properties setting. You can use it to encrypt PDF by setting permission via command line. Click docPrint Pro to download the command line version of it.

Encrypting PDF files can help you prevent unauthorized PDF users from printing, coping, modifying, editing, adding comments, etc. To encrypt PDF via command line, you will need to use three options, the option to set owner password, the option to set key length and the option to set permission. The following part will show how to encrypt PDF when convert Word to PDF via command line.

1. Open the command prompt window

In Windows 7, you can take two steps to open it as follows: Click the Start button to open the Start Menu.> Type cmd In the Start Menu search box area and press Enter. Or you can take four steps to open it: click Start, >click All Programs, >click Accessories, >click Command Prompt.

2. Type a command line and press Enter

According to the basic usage of the main executable file of VeryPDF Document Converter: doc2pdf [options] <-i Input File> [-o Output file]; and the related options as illustrated below,

    -s ownerpwd=XXX   : set 'owner password' to PDF file
    -s keylen=XXX     : key length (40 or 128 bit)
        -s keylen=0   : 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
        -s keylen=1   : 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
        -s keylen=2   : 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
    -s permission=XXX : set permission to PDF file
        -s permission=0    : Encrypt the file only
        -s permission=3900 : Deny anything
        -s permission=4    : Deny printing
        -s permission=8    : Deny modification of contents
        -s permission=16   : Deny copying of contents
        -s permission=32   : No commenting

Please type a command line as the following examples:

    doc2pdf -s ownerpwd=234 -s keylen=0 -s permission=32-i C:\in.doc -o C:\out.pdf
    doc2pdf -s ownerpwd=456 -s keylen=2 -s permission=3900 -i C:\in.doc -o C:\out.pdf
    doc2pdf -s ownerpwd=567-s keylen=1 -s permission=0-i C:\*.doc -o C:\*.pdf

After you type command line to convert Word to PDF and encrypt PDF, don’t forget to press Enter on the keyboard.

I hope this method is helpful. If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to ask me. You are welcome to share your good idea with me.If you want to buy VeryPDF Document Converter, you can click here.

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