How to convert table in website to PDF by PDFcamp 64-bit?

  VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer 64-bit version has been updated, by the latest version you can convert website to PDF even if there are tables in website. Now this software either can work under Windows 32-bit or Windows 64-bit environment. There is also a Batch PDF Editor installed in PDFcamp 64-bit version, by which you can change or edit PDF files in various aspects. In the following part, I will show you how it works.

Step 1. Install PDFcamp 64-bit

  • This software is kind of virtual printer and there is no software interface. When downloading finishes, there will be exe file. Please install this software by double clicking the exe.
  • Please make sure download the 64-bit version on our website as the 32-bit version has totally different functions with it.

Step 2. Converter website to PDF

  • Please open the website that you need to convert and them click option File then go to Print. Please choose PDFcamp as virtual printer. The following snapshot can help you know more about this step.

    open website and find option of print

  • When you find that option, simply click button OK then the printing process will be launched. A few seconds later, Save As dialogue box will bounce up reminding you to choose output folder and type. By this virtual printer, you can convert any printable files to image and PDF.
  • When you finish choosing, the output PDF will show up at once. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.
    output PDF

Checking from the above snapshot, we can know that all the tables and formats are kept perfectly. So there is no problem to print website with tables to PDF or image by this software.

When the conversion finishes, you will be reminded to run Batch PDF Editor or not. Please click button Yes, then you can add the converted PDF to Batch PDF Editor for further processing.  In the Batch PDF Editor software interface, please specify output folder then click button Option, you will see the following snapshot.

menu tab of Batch PDF Editor

There are ten function tabs here. By those tabs, you can edit PDF basic information like title, key words and others. Change PDF page size, specify PDF page viewing options, optimize PDF, compress PDF, set password to protect PDF, edit hyperlink, change metadata and so on so forth.

When you finish setting, click button OK to back to main interface. And click button Start to run the conversion. By this software you can do the PDF creating and editing together. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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