Solution for locking PDF documents using QR code or Barcode

Dear Team,

Can I check if your company provides solution for locking / unlocking the pdf files using QR code? If so, please share the details regarding this software.


Thanks for your message, our company hasn't a solution for "locking/unlocking the PDF files using QR code" currently, however, our technologies for this solution are ready, so we can develop this solution for you easily.

For example, you may refer to following products on our web site,

VeryPDF Barcode Generator SDK,

VeryPDF Barcode Recognition SDK,

VeryPDF Encrypt PDF COM/SDK,

PDF Password Remover COM,

These products can be used to generate barcodes, read barcodes, encrypt PDF files and decrypt PDF files, you can also purchase these products to implement "locking/unlocking the PDF files using QR code" solution by yourself if you have a good developer.


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