When we print it seems that when using pdfprint it ends up printing a certain form with garbage text all over. Do you know what could be causing this? This keeps happening consistently.
I tried printing the form by itself and it's not printing the garbage text. I am thinking it might have something to do with when ghostscript combines the document together into 1 pdf. Is that a common issue with ghostscript merging documents?
I would share the document but it's a policy document to our insured which personal information on it.
>>I tried printing the form by itself and it's not printing the garbage text. I am thinking it might have something to do with when ghostscript combines the document together into 1 pdf. Is that a common issue with ghostscript merging documents?
Yes, this is a common issue with ghostscript merging documents, because ghostscript does change the font subsets during PDF merging, for example ghostscript will reconstruct and re-subset fonts in PDF files.
If possible, we suggest you may use VeryPDF PDF Split-Merge GUI or PDF Split-Merge Command Line product to merge PDF files, VeryPDF PDF Split-Merge doesn't change anything (include original system fonts, original embedded fonts, etc.) to original PDF files during PDF merging.
VeryPDF Split-Merge software can be downloaded from this web page,