doc to any converter

monitor a folder for DOC to SWF conversion

Hi, I am very interested in testing and trying out Doc to Any.

What I need to do, can your software do this?
1. Have logs success/error/warning logs on each convert attempt and convert.
2. Run in real time. so when a file is in the input folder it is picked up and converted to the desired output which is .swf

I also need to know what the stability of the product is,  if this is running as a service how many files can it convert before crashing or fail?
Is there a file size limitation on converts?

Please respond ASAP as I would like to move forward.

Also, can I use DocConverter COM similar to the Doc to Any?  My goal is to have any input file Output to a .swf file so we can post on our website.
Is there a method to wildcard the input file and output to .swf?  Or do we have to determine the file type and such.  Do you already have code to monitor folders?

DocConverter COM is can only convert office documents to PDF files, it can't convert office documents to SWF files.

>>Is there a method to wildcard the input file and output to .swf?  Or do we have to determine the file type and such.

You can simple run following command line to batch convert your office documents to SWF files,

Doc2any.exe C:\test\*.doc C:\out\*.swf

>>Do you already have code to monitor folders?

We haven't a monitor folder application yet, we are planning release a monitor folder application in the future, we will let you know after this application is ready.

When do you expect the folder monitoring to be completed?

Just wondering what is DWG to Vector Enterprise Lic cost?

I need to understand what your support details are.  I don't see any details about product upgrades or support length, hours, etc.,...
Thanks for your message, we are planning release this FolderWatcher application within three months, we will let you know after this application is ready.

DWG to Vector Converter Command Line Enterprise Lic cost is USD1995, you can purchase it from our website directly,

Please refer to our support policy from following web page,

I am interested in knowing if/when you will be supporting HTML5 as output?
Thanks for your message, we are planning support HTML5 as output format within next a few months, I have added the HTML5 format into the job queue, our engineers will work on this function when they have time.

I used the following command and it started WINWORD on my computer, I do not want to have to have 3rd party software installed inorder to convert.  I don't want to have to have Office or OpenOffice or Adobe, etc... to convert files.
I executed the following command and it started WINWORD.exe.

doc2any.exe -useoffice 0 C:\temp\LANDSCAPEdoc.docx c:\temp\landscapedoc.swf
Thanks for your message, you need install MS Word 2007 or 2010 in order to convert DOCX format to SWF format, our doc2any.exe can't render DOCX format without MS Word 2007 or 2010 installed, please understand.


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pdf to image converter

Problem Converting PDF to TIFF with JPEG compression (asp_PDFToImageConveter2 function)

Hi, we are having a problem converting PDF documents to TIFF using JPEG compression using the "asp_PDFToImageConverter2" method. The resulting TIFF files are very large, and are not compressed. I am attaching the sample batch with input PDF documents and the output TIFF files. I am also attaching the current set of VeryPDF dlls that we have. Following are our parameters to the using the "asp_PDFToImageConverter2" method:

X Resolution: 200
Y Resolution: 200
Bitcount: 24
Grayscale: False
Compression: 7
Quality: 100

This issue is critical to us as it may turn into a show stopper for one of our existing customers. Please let me know if you need more information.
Thanks for your message, just for checking, please use COMPRESSION_PACKBITS to instead of COMPRESSION_JPEG (7) to try again, will you get smaller TIFF file with COMPRESSION_PACKBITS compression option?

Our customer requires JPEG compression. How can we get the JPEG compression working? Thank you.
Thanks for your message, please delete p2isdk.dll file from “Current VeryPDF Dlls” folder, then you can convert your PDF file to JPEG compressed TIFF file properly.

What is the purpose of p2isdk.dll? What does this DLL do? We can completely remove it without affecting other parts of the conversion process? Thank you.
I tried removing the DLL and re-running the conversion. The resulting TIFF images cannot be opened in Windows Image/Picture Viewer or MSPAINT. These programs say that the compression of these images is not supported. I can only open the images in FSViewer. Is there any else that I need to do in order to get these programs to open the resulting TIFFS?

What is the purpose of p2isdk.dll? What does this DLL do? We can completely remove it without affecting other parts of the conversion process? Thank you.
Yes, this is normal, because MSPAINT can't view the JPEG compressed TIFF files, if you wish view the color TIFF files in MSPAINT, you need compress the TIFF files with Packbit compression technology. JPEG compressed TIFF format is not supported by most image viewer applications.

p2isdk.dll is another method to render the PDF files, yes, you can remove it without affecting other parts of the conversion process.


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pdfstamp command line

call PDF stamper Command Line or PDFStamp SDK from Windows task scheduler

Is there a way to run the program daily to stamp current date into a directory of pdf’s?

Thank you
Yes, you can use PDF stamper to add current date into a folder of PDF files, that's no problem.

I'm sorry, I was not clear on my previous question.  Can the program be set up with windows task scheduler or via another method to run on a daily basis with predetermined settings saved in the template file?
Yes, you can call PDF stamper Command Line or PDFStamp SDK from Windows task scheduler to stamp your PDF files on a daily basis, that's no problem.


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doc to any converter

DOC to PDF SDK convert files to PDF files in memory

I am currently reviewing your software for its DOC to PDF conversion ability. It appears that the SDK version only accepts file names. Do you have an API that would accept a document in a memory buffer and return a converted image in another memory buffer so I don’t have to deal with all the file access?
Thanks for your message, the current version of Doc to PDF SDK is support disk file only,  however, we are planning support both input and output files in memory in the next version, we will let you know after new version is ready.


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powerpoint to flash

allow a user to upload a ppt file to my server and then extract the images

I am looking for a solution that I can use to allow a user to upload a ppt file to my server and then extract the images of the file for placement onto the machine.

I need to be able to control the process with php and then also write code that will allow me to place references to file location in a database for script use in showing the images.

Does your app allow this?

Please download PowerPoint Converter product from following web page to try, you can call PowerPoint Converter Command Line (pptconv.exe) from your PHP code to convert PPT file to image file easily,

please download the trial version of PowerPoint Converter Command Line to try, if you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know.


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