Jpg is a common image file format. It is widely used to view image tile. Based on the above advantages jpg file holds, you can print txt to jpg for easy viewing purpose. The tool to print txt to jpg is docPrint Document Converter Professional. docPrint Document Converter Professional has two divisions; one is docPrint, the other is docPrint PDF Driver. In the below part, the focuses the later one, docPrint PDF Driver and tells you how to print txt to jpg file.
Download & install docPrint Document Converter Professional
During the installing process, you are bound to see the below installing registration window.
There are two ways to experience docPrint PDF Driver: one is to press “try”, the other one to press “Buy now”. The former one means you are entitled 100 times free of charge to experience this wonderful software. The latter one means you purchase it for permanent use.
Open txt for printing purpose and launch hot key “Ctrl+P” to print txt to jpg
Select “docPrint PDF Driver” and press “Print” in the popping up window
Save in the file, name it and select a format for output in the popping up window, in this article, choose jpeg, like the four steps indicate.
Open the file check
From the above procedures, you will find docPrint PDF Driver quite easy and effective to operate. With docPrint Document Converter Professional you can convert your documents from and to 50+ formats easily. Apart from printing txt to jpg file, you can try other functions by yourself.