How to convert documents of OpenOffice to PGM?

If you have never heard of PGM format before, you can see the brief introduction about it here. PGM is a kind of grayscale image file which is encoded with either 8 or 16 bits per pixel. PGM file contains header information and a grid of numbers that represent different shades of gray from black to white. You are able to convert the document of OpenOffice to pgm with the help of docPrint Document Converter Professional.

docPrint Document Converter Professional, also named as docPrint Pro for short, is a document converter which enables users to convert various printable documents types to many kinds of image formats. For different users and different purposes, three internal applications are designed. The GUI application suites for the batch conversion. The command line application may be good helper to many software developers. The virtual printer can be used to save paper and ink.

In addition, if you want to convert OpenOffice to pgm, you can also use the virtual printer docPrint as the tool because it is a powerful document converter at the sme time. You should download docPrint Pro at for using docPrint. Only printing the document to docPrint, you are able to use it instantly.

Step1. You should print the OpenOffice document to docPrint to run the printer driver. Please open the document which needs to be converted. You can use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “P” or click “File”—“Print” to open the “Print” dialog box and choose “docPrint” as the current printer in “Printer” combo box. Then please click on “Print” button.

Step2. Please try to open the “Save As” dialog box in the popup “docPrint” window. The regular way is to click “File” and click “Save as” in the dropdown list. The quick way is to click “Save File” button in the toolbar or press “Ctrl”+ “S” to open the “Save As” dialog box.

Step3. The last step is to save the target file in “Save As” dialog box. Please complete the following operations: Find a location for the target file in “Save in” combo box. Name a name for the target file in “File name” edit box. Specify the output format for the target file in “Save as type” combo box. Click “Save” button. Just see the “Save As” dialog box in Figure1.

save OpenOffice to pgm


docPrint supplies a progress bar at the bottom of the “docPrint” main window, which can remind you the conversion progress. When the conversion from OpenOffice to pgm is over, you can search for your target file in the specified location.

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