Print OpenOffice documents of odt to EMF by command line

When you need to print OpenOffice document of odt to emf by a command line, you can use the SDK Mini EMF Printer Driver as your tool because the command line application in it can convert any printable documents to image formats. So if you want to convert some kind document of OpenOffice to emf, you can choose Mini EMF Printer Driver.

You should click here to download Mini EMF Printer driver and you should install it on your computer. Then you will be able to see the command line application MiniPrint.exe in installation directory. There is also an application installed on your computer at the same time. In the printer list, you can see a newly added virtual printer appear named as VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer which has the ability to print any printable documents to image formats.

By using the developer license, software developers can develop their own applications basing on Mini EMF Printer Driver. If you want to buy it, please click the following link:

To convert odt to emf, you need to do as follows. You should finish three steps in total. If you are being puzzled by this problem, the following contents may be a helper to you.

You should open the MS-DOS prompt window for inputting your commands. You can use the regular way to click “Start”—“Run” to input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. You can also use the quick way to press “Window”+ “R” for opening the same “Run” dialog box and do the same work next.

Then please input your commands in MS-DOS prompt window. You can follow the basic template command line below to write your own commands.

miniprint.exe C:\in.odt D:\out.emf

miniprint.exe stands for the program called in the conversion from odt to emf.

C:\in.odt stands for the input ODT document.

D:\out.emf stands for the output EMF image.

The example command line is given below.

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\openoffice\odt.odt" D:users.emf

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" is the absolute path of the command line application. For saving time, you don’t need to input the whole path into the command line window, you should just drag the file you need to the window.

"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\openoffice\odt.odt"  indicates the path of source file.

D:users.emf stands for the target file path which must be set by you.

After inputting the commands, you need to click “Enter” button on your keyboard and the conversion from odt to emf will run itself. What you need to do is waiting for several time.

The SDK Mini EMF Printer Driver also supplies some useful demos written by program languages such as VB, Delphi, etc. for implementing some functions for users in the development package. If you need, you can see them.

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