You are allowed to set resolution for the target file in the conversion process when you convert the document of html to image. The command line application of Document Converter will help you do this work. With the function of converting any printable documents to many kinds of image formats, this command line application will play an important role in such kind of conversions. It is also able to set different parameters for the target file including the image resolution.
Please download the command line application at and this is only the free trial version of it. If you want to use all the functions, please buy the product at After downloading the application, you should install it on your computer. The called program to be used in the conversion from html to image is the executable file doc2pdf.exe in installation folder.
There are also two other applications which are designed for different needs in Document Converter. For example, some people love to make conversion in a visible user interface, so the GUI application will be more popular. If you need to print documents often and you want to save some paper and ink, please choose the virtual printer application as your helper.
The first step of the conversion from html to image is to open MS-DOS interface in which you can input the command line. There are two ways to open it. (1) Please click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you can input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. (2) Please use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and then do the same work shown in (1).
The second step is to input the command line. At first, you should know the structure of the command line: called program, parameter for setting image resolution, source file and target file. The following command line example will give you a better explanation:
doc2pdf –r 856 –i “” –o D:AAA.png
In the example, we take PNG format image as the example of output image.
From the command line we can see doc2pdf stands for the called program, –r 856 is for setting image resolution as 856 DPI, –i “” stands for the URL of input html document and –o D:AAA.png stands for the name of target file.
Please remember to use the file paths in the command line for calling the files you use.
The last step is to run the conversion from html to image by clicking “Enter” button on the keyboard and you will get the target file several seconds later.