If you need to rotate page for the created pdf document when you convert the document of webpage to pdf, please use the command line application of Document Converter as your tool. In the conversion, you just need to open MS-DOS interface, input the command line and run the conversion.
The command line application of Document Converter is a powerful application which allows you to convert any printable documents to various image formats. It also supports to set various parameters for the target file in the conversion process.
Document Converter also has two other internal applications: GUI application and virtual printer application. You can use the GUI application to make batch conversion for it has a friendly user interface which can make all the conversion work easier. If you want to save paper and ink when you print documents, please choose the virtual printer application.
For smoothly using the command line application, you can download the free trial version by clicking the following link: https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exeand install it on your computer. Then the executable file doc2pdf.exe in the installation package can be used as the called program in the conversion from webpage to pdf.
If you want to buy the command line application for using all the functions, please click the following link: https://www.verypdf.com/order_docprintpro.html. Please see the following contents which are for showing the conversion process of webpage to pdf and rotating page.
In the first step, please open MS-DOS interface for inputting the command line. Please click “Start”—“Run” or use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box. Then you need to input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.
In the second step, please input the command line in MS-DOS interface. The command line contains called program which is the executable file doc2pdf.exe, parameter for rotating page, source file that you want to convert and target file that you want to get. Please see the following command line example:
doc2pdf –R 180 –i “www.google.com” –o D:\A.pdf
In the command line, you need to remember that use the options “-i” and “-o” before the source file and target file. When you use the file in the command line, please input their file paths for calling them. The link of the webpage should be enclosed with double quotes.
In the last step, you just need to click “Enter” button to run the conversion from webpage to pdf. If you want to check the target file, please find it in the specified location and use some kind of pdf reader to browse it.