How to convert URL to eps?

Converting URL to eps can be finished in many ways, but which one favors you most?Compare them then you can use this way for quiet a long time. In this article, I will show you my way to convert URL to eps. This way is available for converting all the printable file to image file or PDF file. If you are interested in this topic, please follow me tightly.

First, download software Document Converter.

Here is the free downloading link for you, If you need to know more about file format conversion tools, please refer to this website. And more information about Document Converter on its homage. When you install this software to your computer, there will be on icon on the desktop. It is not easy to find that there will be two more virtual printers installed on your PC. Meanwhile, this exe file also can be called from MS Dos Windows. In this article, I will show you how to convert URL to eps by its GUI version.

Second, do the conversion from URL to eps.

  • Double click its icon to open this software whose interface looks like the following snap shot. And click File to choose option Add URL.Then you can enter a dialogue box which allows to input the URL.  When you finish this, you can click the button Setting to enter its menu option.

interface of Documnet Converter

  • Set output option.

As we need to convert URL to eps , we should set output file format as eps in the Base Setting tab. If you need to adjust the converted eps file image resolution and color depth, you have to go to Save image mode tab. When you finish this, you can click the button OK to back to main interface. Then you can click the button Start to run the conversion. In this step, you will be reminded to name and save the converted file by a dialogue box named as Save as. A few seconds later, you can use the converted eps file from URL. The following snap shots maybe can help you understand this step well.

option menu about URL to eps save iamge mode tab

By here, maybe you have rough idea about this way for file format conversion from URL to eps . If you have any question about this software or file format conversion, you can contact us by the ways stated on this website.

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