How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

Verypdf docPrint supports you to add comment on the current page including to add rectangle comment, text comment, etc. When you preview the page in VeryPDF docPrint  dialog box, you can  add rectangle comment on the selected page by using the “Add Comments on Current Page”  option . Moreover, you can highlight the text bounded by the rectangle. As you can see on the following screenshot, there are four kinds of rectangle comment on the page: the first one is the original rectangle set by default; the second one is with bold frame and is filled with semi-transparent color. The third one has dotted frame, and the filled color and frame color of the last one are different from the second one.

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application? 

The rest of this article will show you how to add rectangle on a page in Verypdf docPrint preview application step by step. In case some readers are the first time to use Verypdf docPrint which one can download from , we will begin from the very beginning:

1 Open the file you want to add comment.

2 Run Verypdf docPrint

Press “Ctrl+P” >select “docPrint” as the “name” of the printer in the “Print” dialog box >press OK to open the “docPrint” dialog box.

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

3 Open the “Annotated document” dialog box

Remember to select the page you want to add comment and click on it, otherwise the computer don’t know which page is the one you want to add comment >Click  “Edit” on the toolbar>Click  “Add Comments on Current Page” on the drop down menu to open the“Annotated document”dialog box

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application? 

4 Trigger the comment buttons on the “Annotated document” dialog box

As you can see on the “Annotated document” dialog box illustrated above, there are nine buttons on the tool bar, the last seven button of which are comment buttons. The initial color of the comment buttons is gray, which means that you cannot add comment on the current page before you trigger these comment buttons. The following image illustrates the buttons:

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application? 

Now you should click the second button to trigger the comment buttons. .When these buttons become from gray to colorful, it means you can use them to add comment. The following image shows you the buttons after you click the second button

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

5 Add rectangle on the current page

Click the “Add Rectangle comment” buttonHow to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?  >keep pressing the left button with the mouse and drag a rectangle wherever you like on the page in the “Annotated document” dialog box.

Then a rectangle as illustrated below will appear on the page.

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application? 

6 Modify the rectangle

Select the rectangle by click the frame of it>when the frame become like the following example, right click with the mouse>choose “Properties”o open the  “Properties” to open the “Properties” dialog box

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application? 

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application?

  1. Choose your favorite color for frame in the first combo box. Here I would like to choose red as the frame color.
  2. Specify the proper number as the thickness of frame. The numbers of thickness range from 0 to 12 . the bigger the  number, the bolder the frame. For instance, here I choose “12”。
  3. Set frame style by selecting the proper one in the combo box. “Solid”means frame with real lines; “Dashed1” to “Dashed 4” mean frames with different kinds of dotted lines. Here I choose “Dashed 1”
  4. Click on the “Fill color” check box to fill color in the rectangle. You can a proper color in the combo box next to “Fill color”. Here I select green as the fill color
  5. To make the fill color to be transparent, you should drag the control button to the left to decrease the the “Opacity” rate. as the “Thickness”. Here I set 49% as the the opacity.

After you set all the options, click “Close” to close the “Properties” dialog box. you can find a  rectangle as illutrated below.

How to add rectangle comment on the current page in docPrint preview application? 

To read more articles on how to add comment on the current page via VeryPDF docPrint, please go to visit

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