The Cloud PDF to Excel Converter tool can save lots of time, instead of copying-and-pasting each cell.
Our algorithm can 'see' tables, and understands the spacing between items to identify the rows and columns, much as your eye does when you scan a page. You can use this tool in your browser, and this guide will walk you through the conversion.
Cloud PDF to Excel Converter tool has following features:
Simple Conversion
Convert PDF to Excel has never been simpler and more accurate than with Cloud PDF to Excel Converter. Millions of users have successfully converted millions of files and saved themselves countless hours of headaches.
Intact Tables
Cloud PDF to Excel Converter transfers tabular PDF data into Excel in such a way that you can actually use the data with Excel's powerful features once the conversion is made.
Accurate Output
Numbers are recognized as numbers, column and row data is correctly placed. It is the most accurate and most trusted converter available.
Retain Table Formatting
With this PDF to Excel conversion, we are most proud of the fact that the table data in the PDF will be accurately represented in both row and column structure in the Excel format.
Perform Calculations
Once your PDF table with the data you need is converted to Excel, you can implement your calculations and formulas as you would with any Excel data.
Master Difficult Tables
The proprietary conversion technology used to convert pdf to excel places an emphasis on ensuring that difficult table structured in PDF are accurately portrayed in Excel. This way, you can be sure that your conversions are correct every time.
How to Convert PDF to Excel Online?
1. Go to following web page first,
2. Click "Browse…" button to select a PDF file on your computer, click "Import" button to upload this PDF file,
The progress to upload the PDF file online,
3. After the PDF file is uploaded completely, you can click "Autodetect Tables" button to locate the tables in all PDF pages automatically,
4. Click "Preview & Export Extracted Data" button, you will able to preview the extracted data,
5. Click "Export" button to save the data to a .csv file, and then open the .csv file in MS Excel application. Well done, you've successfully converted a PDF to Excel!