Can I Rely on PDF Validation Tools?

The reliability of PDF validation software is a frequent source of inquiry, particularly when users encounter varying results from different manufacturers. Such discrepancies often lead to questions about the trustworthiness of the software and what actions users can take to address the situation. This article aims to illuminate the intricacies surrounding PDF validation.


What exactly is a PDF Validator? It is a software designed to assess the compliance of a PDF document with specific specifications, such as PDF-1.4, ISO-32000 (PDF-1.7), or ISO-19001 (PDF/A). Numerous independent PDF Validator providers exist, including Adobe, which incorporates the Preflight function in its Acrobat Professional Edition.

The functions of a PDF Validator encompass a range of rule sets, sometimes referred to as profiles. Users can select a rule set to evaluate their document's compliance. However, the number and nature of these rules vary across software. If a rule set is labeled PDF/A-1b, it doesn't imply uniformity among validation products. Several factors contribute to this diversity:

  • Some validators prioritize ISO standard rules and disregard related documentation rules (e.g., PDF-1.4 for PDF/A-1b), while others go beyond these specifications.

  • Interpreting an ISO standard is not always straightforward, and experts may have differing opinions.
  • Certain rules are absent from published ISO standards (e.g., the format of an embedded TrueType font).
  • Some rules may be overlooked or misinterpreted.

Evaluating the quality of a PDF Validator involves using test suites available in the market. For instance, the PDF Association provides the Isartor Test Suite for assessing PDF/A-1 validation software, with ongoing efforts to develop suites for PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3.

When different results arise despite both validators passing the relevant test suite, it is essential to recognize that no test suite can cover all real-world cases comprehensively. Continuous maintenance is required to enhance its effectiveness.

In the event of divergent results, users are encouraged to submit support requests to the respective manufacturers, specifying the products used. This facilitates bilateral resolution. Complex cases involving PDF Association members may be escalated to a technical working group for resolution.

In conclusion:

  • PDF validation software aligned with PDF Association test suites generally exhibits good quality and ongoing improvement.

  • Serious manufacturers, particularly PDF Association members, have a vested interest in harmonizing validation results.
  • Discrepancies in validation outcomes often have benign explanations.
  • Users can contribute to improvement by following the outlined process.
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