docprint pro

VeryPDF / DocPrint Support, how to set output PDF file name

Hello - we instant messaged each other and I'm trying to get docprint to work in Visual FoxPro with my Omni ActiveX control.

I have found that this command works just fine:

docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")
But - I need to send printer output to it.  I'm not sure if I need to change the default printer or not.  Currently, I can print the ActiveX control like this (where oForm is set to the OmniForm activeX control)

thisform.oForm.printform(1, thisform.oForm.pagecount, 1)

The parameters for the method printform are  printform(frompage, topage, copies)

That command will print to the default printer.  How can I get it to print to a PDF using your control and name it something like  C:\TEST.PDF  ?

Thank you.
You can call SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver() function from your code to set the output filename to docPrint PDF Driver, please refer to following sample code,

'Default output filename, you can change it to anything that you want
Const szOutputFileName = "C:\docPrint_output.pdf"

'You can select docPrint or docPrint PDF Driver printers at here
Const sPrinterName = "docPrint PDF Driver"

Private Declare Function SetDefaultPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "SetDefaultPrinterA" (ByVal pszbuffer As String) As Long

Sub SaveString(hKey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String, strData As String)
Dim Ret
'Create a new key
RegCreateKey hKey, strPath, Ret
'Save a string to the key
RegSetValueEx Ret, strValue, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strData, LenB(strData)
'close the key
RegCloseKey Ret
End Sub

Sub SaveStringLong(hKey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String, strData As Long)
Dim Ret
'Create a new key
RegCreateKey hKey, strPath, Ret
'Set the key's value
RegSetValueEx Ret, strValue, 0, REG_DWORD, strData, 4
'close the key
RegCloseKey Ret
End Sub

Private Sub SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver(ByVal m_ptrOutputFile As String)
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutomaticOutput", 1
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutomaticValue", 2
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutoView", 0

'SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "EmbedNum", 0
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "Unit", 3

SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageSelect", 10
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageSize", 7

SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "Bitcount", 1
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "xResolution", 300
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "yResolution", 300
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageW", 0
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageH", 0

SaveString HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutomaticDirectory", m_ptrOutputFile
End Sub

Private Sub PrintWord_Click()
' You need install MS Word in order to get this function to work

SetDefaultPrinter sPrinterName
SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver szOutputFileName

On Error GoTo FileOpenDlg_ErrHandler
FileOpenDlg.CancelError = True
FileOpenDlg.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist Or cdlOFNPathMustExist Or cdlOFNExplorer Or cdlOFNLongNames
FileOpenDlg.Filter = "MS Word documents (*.doc)|*.doc"
FileOpenDlg.FilterIndex = 1

On Error Resume Next
Dim wordApp As Object
Dim wDoc As Object

Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

Err = 0
Set wDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(FileOpenDlg.FileName, , 1)

If Err = 0 Then
wordApp.ActivePrinter = sPrinterName
Call wordApp.PrintOut(False)

Set wDoc = Nothing
End If

Call wordApp.Quit
Set wordApp = Nothing

Exit Sub

End Sub

You can call SetDefaultPrinter() function to set "docPrint PDF Driver" to default printer, call SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver() function to set output filename, then you can print a document to "docPrint PDF Driver" printer, you will get a PDF file at specify path easily.

I saw this example:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")
nRet = docPrint.docPrintCOM_Register("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " Company")
nRet = docPrint.RunCmd("-i -o C:\output.pdf -* XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -d -O 2 -s ShowHTMLStatusBar=1 -l 10000", 0)
MsgBox "Return value = " & Str(nRet)
End Sub

But how do I print to a file from the Omni control with:  thisform.oForm.printform(1, thisform.oForm.pagecount, 1)

Also, I have the trial version so do I just skip the register command?

You can call SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver() function from your code to set the output filename to docPrint PDF Driver, please refer to following sample code,

'Default output filename, you can change it to anything that you want
Const szOutputFileName = "C:\docPrint_output.pdf"

'You can select docPrint or docPrint PDF Driver printers at here
Const sPrinterName = "docPrint PDF Driver"

Private Declare Function SetDefaultPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "SetDefaultPrinterA" (ByVal pszbuffer As String) As Long

Private Sub SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver(ByVal m_ptrOutputFile As String)
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutomaticOutput", 1
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutomaticValue", 2
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutoView", 0

'SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "EmbedNum", 0
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "Unit", 3

SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageSelect", 10
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageSize", 7

SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "Bitcount", 1
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "xResolution", 300
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "yResolution", 300
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageW", 0
SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "PageH", 0

SaveString HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\verypdf\pdfcamp", "AutomaticDirectory", m_ptrOutputFile
End Sub

Private Sub PrintForm_Click()

SetDefaultPrinter sPrinterName
SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver szOutputFileName

thisform.oForm.printform(1, thisform.oForm.pagecount, 1)
End Sub

You can call SetDefaultPrinter() function to set "docPrint PDF Driver" to default printer, call SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver() function to set output filename, then you can print a document to "docPrint PDF Driver" printer, you will get a PDF file at specify path easily.

In above example, you can call “thisform.oForm.printform(1, thisform.oForm.pagecount, 1)” function to print the document to docPrint PDF Driver and create PDF file easily, please to try.


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postscript to text/pdf/image

PS to PDF Converter is support for PostScript Type 1

Does this software support the conversion of PostScript Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 to PDF?  Or does this software only convert Type 3?

Our PS to PDF Converter can convert PostScript Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 to PDF, you can download trial version of PS to PDF Converter from our website to try,

PostScript font background

The PostScript page description language, and PostScript fonts, had been developed by Adobe Systems. The language is described within the Adobe `red book'

@Stringpub-AW = "Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley"

@Stringpub-AW:adr = "Reading, MA, USA"

author = "Adobe Systems",
title = "\POSTSCRIPT Language Reference Manual",
publisher = pub-AW,
address = pub-AW:adr,
edition = "Second",
pages = "viii + 764",
year = "1990",
ISBN = "0-201-18127-4",
LCCN = "QA76.73.P67 P67 1990",
bibdate = "Tue Dec 14 22:33:36 1993",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

along with the Form 1 font format is described within the Adobe `black book'

author = "Adobe Systems",
title = "Adobe sort 1 font format",
organization = pub-ADOBE,
address = pub-ADOBE:adr,
pages = "iii + 101",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Sun Feb 11 07:52:15 MST 1996",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
annote = "Includes index. ``Version 1.0''--verso t.p. ``Part
number: LPS0064''--verso t.p.",
keywords = "PostScript (Computer program language)",

Prior towards the publication with the black book, the font format as well as the needed decryption important had been secret and proprietary to Adobe, but the pressure of competition from the Apple/Microsoft TrueType font development led them to document and publish the format, permitting other typesetter and font vendors to convert their own fonts to Type 1 format, with the result that you'll find now with the order of 10,000 Kind 1 fonts commercially accessible from many vendors.
PostScript font formats

Adobe Sort 1 fonts are stored in two frequent formats, .pfa (PostScript Font ASCII) and .pfb (PostScript Font Binary). These contain descriptions of the character shapes, with each character being generated by a tiny program that calls on other small programs to compute frequent parts with the characters within the font. In both instances, the character descriptions are encrypted.

Prior to such a font could be employed, it ought to be rendered into dots in a bitmap, either by the PostScript interpreter, or by a specialized rendering engine, for example Adobe Kind Manager, which is employed to generate low-resolution screen fonts on Apple Macintosh and on Microsoft Windows systems.

The Form 1 outline files don't include adequate information for typesetting with the font, simply because they've only restricted metric data, and nothing about kerning (position adjustments of certain adjacent characters) or ligatures (replacement of adjacent characters by a single character glyph, those for fi, ffi, fl, and ffl becoming most frequent in English typography).

This missing data is supplied in additional files, known as .afm (Adobe Font Metric) files. These are ASCII files having a well-defined easy-to-parse structure. Some font vendors, such as Adobe, enable them to be freely distributed; other people, for example Bitstream, contemplate them to be restricted by a font license which ought to be purchased.

PostScript printers normally contain from a dozen to a hundred fonts in .pfb (or equivalent) format in ROM, or in some situations, on disk. Nonetheless, none that I'm aware of contain the .afm files, so in order to use the printer-resident fonts together with your typesetting program, you need to get those .afm files from your printer vendor. Several printer vendors now make these files accessible on CD-ROMs and at their World-Wide Web internet sites, together with .ppd (PostScript Printer Description) files that printer and typesetting software can use to acquire additional info about the fonts and characteristics of a certain printer model.

In case you are considering seeing what these files appear like, here are some sample font files inside the formats described above, using the Nimbus Roman No9 L Normal font (visually identical to Times Roman) kindly released for cost-free public use by URW Software program, among the veteran font vendors. For the binary .pfb file, your Web browser will almost certainly ask for a place to store it on disk, instead of displaying it in the browser window.

.afm file
.disasm file
.pfa file
.pfb file

Bitmap, TrueType, and PostScript Fonts

Luggage may include only bitmap and TrueType fonts PostScript printer fonts are separate files. A suitcase could include just bitmap fonts, bitmap fonts along with a corresponding TrueType font, or bitmap fonts that match another PostScript printer font.

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pdf password remover

PDF Password Remover product can’t keep the “Fill by Adobe Reader” option in PDF format

I used your product to remove the pwd from a CA DMV pdf.  I wish to fill in the DMV form programmatically, using the itextSharp DLL.

Before using your tool, the source document (PDF) had "Filling of form fields: Allowed", and I was able to fill in the forms by opening the form via Adobe Reader. After using your tool, the option was "NOT Allowed".

I need to have the existing options still in affect after using your tool.

Can you help.
Our PDF Password Remover product can't keep the "Fill by Adobe Reader" option in PDF format, however, after you decrypt your PDF file, you can open this PDF file in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended or our PDF Form Filler product, then you can fill the forms easily.

Our PDF Form Filler product can be downloaded from following page,

I downloaded your PDF Form Filler and I wasn't able to fill in the form created by your password remover product?

There seems to be an issue with your product(s)?
Attached is the original California DMV pdf file, and the version of it I created with your password remover.  The file allows manual mods, and after removing the password I was able to programmatically modify the form using iTextSharp, but was unable to manually make changes too.

We can open your reg138_open.pdf file in our PDF Form Filler product and fill the data without any problem, please look at following screenshot, it is indicate we can fill the text properly, just a question, can you use PDF Form Filler product to fill the reg138_open.pdf file in your system properly?


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docprint pro

Convert office documents to PDF files from Interactive User Account

Thanks for your reply.

A few more words on what I am trying to do:
We run Intersystems Cache, the process that is issuing the html2pdf command is running under a service running as SYSTEM

I read the documentation in solution 3
I made the requested changes in local policies and restarted the server.

I tried the Lsrunas approach
When Lsrunas is run as administrator, including the administrator password, it works fine from the desired process.
When Lsrunas is run a normal user, it does not work.
It is really out of the question to run batch files on the server with a clear text administrator password.

I tried the docprint_server approach.
Logged on as administrator, I issued a docprint_client command (NOWAIT) from the original folder where the software was unzipped.
That worked.
I copied the client to the system32 folder and issued the command from a different folder, still logged in as administrator.
The docprint_client exited successfully, but nothing happened.
I issued that same command, this time WAIT, and the process waiting for a long time until I closed it manually.
I understand that there must be a simple solution for this but I did not find where it is documented.
I understand that the docprint_server must be capable of running a service as ADMINISTRATOR but this too I did not find where documented.
Your following solution is good,
I tried the Lsrunas approach
When Lsrunas is run as administrator, including the administrator password, it works fine from the desired process.
When Lsrunas is run a normal user, it does not work.
It is really out of the question to run batch files on the server with a clear text administrator password.

OK, I think you can use Lsrunase to instead of Lsrunas, Lsrunase can use encrypted password as parameter, it is more security than Lsrunas, please download Lsrunase from following page to try,

if you don't want to use Lsrunase, you can configure MS Word run under Interactive User's Account, please refer to following web page for more information,

"How to configure Microsoft Word and Excel to run under Interactive User's Account"

if you still can't get it work, please feel free contact me, I will assist you asap.


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pdf form filler

Use PDF Form Filler GUI OCX to fill interactive fields in PDF files

We were evaluating your software for our document management system. And was not sure how we would be able to fulfill one particular requirement that we have.

Our application is developed in MFC/C++. And we want to be able to display interactive pdf documents (with textboxes, checkboxes etc) inside our application. Once the user is done with the data entry, he would hit the save button in our application and we would save that pdf on the computer. This we were able to do really well using your  VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6. And it works great !!!

Problem # 1:

When our pdf is loaded, the interactive fields are not automatically visible. We have to click on a button in the toolbar to enable the interactive fields.
Is there any way to programmatically enable these interactive fields?

Problem # 2

We want to programmatically fill in some data into the interactive fields. For example, in a patient admission form, we already have the patient's name and address in our database, so we would want to fill in that data automatically for the user and then let the user change/correct it if he wants

This feature I was not able to find in any of your SDKs. Can you suggest how we can use 1 or a combination of your SDKs to get this to work in the way I want?
Thanks for your message, our "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6" can "enable these interactive fields" automatically, but it can't fill the data automatically.

However, we think our PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 will best meet your requirement, you can download PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 from following page to try,

PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 has " enable these interactive fields automatically " and "fill data automatically " functions, so I think it will reach your requirement. You can use PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 to import data from FDF, XFDF, XML formats, you can also export data to FDF and XML formats. PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 is depend on Adobe Reader, it is work better than "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6".

The cost of PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 Developer License is USD2495, it is cheaper than "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6 USD2999" too.

Thanks for your response.

In regards to issue number 1 that if I use "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6"  can you tell me how to programmatically enable the interactive fields. Right now I have to click on the toolbar icon that says 'Form Filling in Documents' to enable my fields.
See screen shot.

Secondly, Im having some issues with the 'PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1' . Granted that I can use the fdf files to automatically fill in the data onto the form, but after the user finishes editing the form, I am not able to save the form with the content onto the hard disk. I want to be able to programmatically save the pdf with the form data in it. How can I do that?

can you please help out. It seems like veryPdf has a lot of different products and Im sure we can somehow use use these products to achieve our requirements.

You can use following code to active " Form Filling Mode ",

m_ctrlPDFOcx.InvokeMethod(45, 0, 0);//Form Filling

The user must click "Save to Disk" button to save the modified PDF file to disk, there is no way to invoke this button programmatically, this button is controlled by Adobe Reader, please understand.

Yes, we are good at PDF technologies. If you think "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6" will better than 'PDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1' to you, you can test the "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control v2.6" continue. also, we are planning add "Import FDF" and "Export FDF" functions into the next version of "VeryPDF PDF Editor&Viewer OCX Control".


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