postscript to text/pdf/image

Is Postscript to PDF has an option to select only the portrait pages?

Print problem solved, we did some adjustments in de high –volume printer.
Sorry for the late response, but it takes some time to do this.

Can you advise us in the following Question?
In the postscript file (see attachment) there are 3 different sorts of “paper”

Page 1 dummy page with name, address, etc per costumer
Page 2 to x, letter for customer (printed portrait) with bla, bla, bla and
amount of money they received.
Page x to y, the calculation for the amount of money (printed landscape).

Question? How can I take only page 2 to x out of the postscript and print
them. Where x can be page 3 to x ……. (x = variable)
In other words, Is it possible to print or select only the portrait pages?
Thanks for your message, our Postscript to PDF Command Line Server License
hasn't an option to select only the portrait pages, you can convert all
pages from PS file to PDF file first, then you can use our PDF Split-Merge
or Adobe Acrobat extract portrait pages from converted PDF file to a new PDF
file, we hoping this solution will helpful to you.

Thanks, if we need PDF Split-Merge no problem. Can you give me some
directions how to do this in command line mode.
I downloaded PDF Split_merge, but after one our no results.

Our PDF Split-Merge product can be downloaded from following page,

please refer to command line options from following page,

4.Command Line options

To perform batch conversion or call conversion procedure from an automation script, you can use command line function in the PDF Split-Merge software, You can either run this tool directly from command line or call it from any script as well. The program supports the following command-line

C:\>"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDF Split-Merge v3.0\pdfpg.exe"
PDF Split-Merge software v3.0
Copyright (C)2003-2010 Inc
arguments : file1 [file2 ...] destfile
arguments : burst C:\input.pdf C:\output arguments : set KeyName Value
burst       : burst PDF file to PDF files, one page per PDF file
split <int> : split PDF file by every n pages
bookmark    : split PDF file by bookmarks, append page number to
bookmark2   : split PDF file by bookmarks, without page number in
mergeform   : merge two fillable PDF files together
crossmerge  : cross merge two PDF files together with compression
crossmerge2 : cross merge two PDF files together without compression
getpagecount: retrieve page count from PDF file
addbookmark <int> : create bookmark to PDF file
addbookmark 1: use short filename as bookmarks
addbookmark 2: use full filename as bookmarks
addbookmark 3: use short filename without suffix as bookmarks
addbookmark 4: read bookmarks and filenames from txt file
set RetainBookmarks on/off: enable or disable bookmarks
set RetainAcroForms on/off: enable or disable AcroForms
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,1,3 C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,-20,50 C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,1,3- C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,1,2,3 C:\B.pdf,5,2,9 C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,1,1-9 C:\B.pdf,5,2,9 C:\A.pdf,10 C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,even C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,odd C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\A.pdf,reverse C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe C:\filelist.txt C:\merged.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,1,3 C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,-20,50 C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,1,3- C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,1,2,3 C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,1,1-9 C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,even C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe delete C:\A.pdf,odd C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe burst C:\A.pdf C:\split
pdfpg.exe split 2 C:\A.pdf C:\split
pdfpg.exe split 3 C:\A.pdf C:\split
pdfpg.exe bookmark C:\A.pdf C:\split
pdfpg.exe bookmark2 C:\A.pdf C:\
pdfpg.exe bookmark2 C:\A.pdf C:\out\
pdfpg.exe addbookmark 1 C:\A.pdf C:\B.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe addbookmark 2 C:\A.pdf C:\B.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe addbookmark 3 C:\A.pdf C:\B.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe addbookmark 3 C:\filelist.txt C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe addbookmark 4 C:\filelist.txt C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe mergeform C:\form1.pdf C:\form2.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe crossmerge C:\test1.pdf C:\test2.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe crossmerge2 C:\test1.pdf C:\test2.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfpg.exe getpagecount C:\A.pdf
pdfpg.exe set RetainBookmarks on
pdfpg.exe set RetainBookmarks off
pdfpg.exe set RetainAcroForms on
pdfpg.exe set RetainAcroForms off
pdfpg.exe set RegCode "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Thanks but what you wrote I know that already What I want to know how to do this with PDF Split-Merge?
I tried everything but I get no portrait pages in a separate pdf file or delete the landscape pages?

Please let me know if Verypdf has a solution on this else we must look for another product.

You can use PDF Split-Merge to extract a page range to a new PDF file, however, PDF Split-Merge can't detect landscape pages or portrait pages automatically, you need specify landscape pages or portrait pages by manual.

Thanks for your message, the new version of PDF Split-Merge will work like below,

//Extract all landscape pages from C:\test.pdf to C:\out.pdf

Pdfpg.exe landscape C:\test.pdf C:\out.pdf

//Extract all portrait pages from C:\test.pdf to C:\out.pdf

Pdfpg.exe portrait C:\test.pdf C:\out.pdf


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html converter (htmltools)

VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 doesn’t print well! PLS help me!

Dear VeryPdf,

I tried to print a html file with VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 trial version, and first printing embedded the font and the pdf file is vector. But after approx. 10th test printing say for me that "Captured EMF/WMF succeeded" and the font doesn't embedded and (i think because) then pdf is rasterized.

(I use to Windows Seven with IE8 to upgrade to IE9 and i removed IE after update to IE9. When i try to print com then in the pdf files appear Google's noticed me that why use IE why not use to Chrome...)

Maybe that VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 use to some IE and/or Windows components and my machine changed? (i ready on your website: "System Requirements: Windows Platform, Internet Explorer 5 above, Internet connection.")

I don't know what is the problem. Please help me.
Yes, VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 does use IE to render the HTML file. If you can't get it work, you can download docPrint Pro v5.0 from following page to try, docPrint Pro v5.0 does support HTML to PDF Conversion function too,


"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i C:\input.htm -o C:\output.pdf

I chose for the VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 because it has a function: Auto calculate PDF paper size (this is an unique way, - other PDF creators there is no such a feature). And this feature is very important for me.

I tried to VeryPDF docPrint Pro v5.0 (Document Printer v5.0) and it doesn't have this feature. And I noticed something in this program.

When I printed a HTML page with 20px Verdana bold font then made a pdf file with embedded Verdana font (vector file): see Testing-1.pdf attachment. And when I printed a HTML page with 100px Verdana bold font then made a pdf file with outlined shapes without embedded Verdana font (vector file): see Testing-2.pdf attachment. I don't know why and how is this happening. Please help me.

And please tell me, there is a possibility that "auto calculate PDF paper size" with outlined shapes (without embedded font but vector pdf file like as Testing-2.pdf attachment)?

Thanks for your message, it seems if font size is too big (more than 100pt), our docPrint Pro v5.0 will convert characters to outlined shapes, I will ask our engineer to add a new option to control this behavior by a parameter, I will let you know after new version is ready.

>>And please tell me, there is a possibility that "auto calculate PDF paper size" with outlined shapes
>>(without embedded font but vector pdf file like as Testing-2.pdf attachment)?

Thanks for your message, docPrint Pro v5.0 hasn't "auto calculate PDF paper size" function, this function is exist in HTML Converter product only. However, this function can be done easily by following solution,

1. you can use docPrint Pro v5.0 to convert your HTML file to PDF file with a large paper size first, e.g., A1 or A0 or 100x100inch or more big paper size, the big paper size will allow all of your HTML content be fit to one PDF page,

2. you can use PDF Margin Crop to crop the margins from your PDF file,

3. OK, you will get a new PDF file without additional margins, the page size has been changed by the size of HTML content.

We hoping above solution will helpful to you, you may give it a try.

I checked docPrint Pro v5.0 trial version: the limit is between 40px and 41px, or 30.7pt to 30.8pt (embedded fonts 40px and 30.7pt, as already outlined shapes 41px and 30.8pt). See my attachments.

To VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 will you add a new option to VECTOR outlined shapes too? (now that VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 crashed on my machine or my machine crashed, pdf out is raster and neither embedded fonts with VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0)

I insist on the unique feature which is "auto calculate PDF paper size".

Thanks for your message, we will implement following functions in the new version of HTML Converter Command Line product,

1. Convert all characters to VECTOR outlined shapes in output PDF file,
2. Able to auto calculate PDF paper size by input HTML file,
3. The custom-build version of HTML Converter Command Line will not crash on all of your computers,

we will let you know after new version is ready, thanks for your patience.

I will buy VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 (GUI version) when VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 (GUI version) will be able to work well with IE9+ under Win7+
We are planning support IE9 completely in the next version of VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 (GUI version) product, but we haven't an approximate date for when will next version be released at the moment, however, we will let you know after new version is available, thanks for your patience.


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powerpoint to flash

powerpoint to flash convertor 3.0 help

I downloaded your software to try out ppt to swf conversion. Unfortunately I am having very little luck in getting both the application and command line example to generate any kind of output from the sampleanimations.ppt file included.

I get Result:-1 or Result:-2 messages for the conversion process. Any help you can give to make this work will be greatly appreciated as I am evaluating the software as a possible solution for my company.
Thank you for your quick response. Please find attached the powerpoint file that has been giving me problems. By the way i tried the ppt sample file provided in your software as well and it gave similar problems. Any help you can provide me to get this working will be highly appreciated.
We can convert your PPT file to SWF file correctly on our system, please download a converted package from following URL, we hoping these SWF files will reach your requirement.



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image to pdf converter

Image2PDF max number of input TIFs

I’m currently running a fully licensed version of Image2PDF OCR Command Line v3.2.  What is the maximum number of individual TIF images that can be specified to create a PDF.  For example can I feed in over 100 individual TIF images.  For example,

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\ F:\input2.tif…..F:\input100.tif

If there is a limit, does that exist if you read in a folder rather than feed individual TIFs to the command line string?
The length of command line is limited by Windows system, it is maybe not long than 4096 characters.

You can place all TIFF files to a folder, then you can use following command lines to convert all TIFF files from these folders into one PDF file, for example,

1.Convert one folder in to a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir

2.Convert multi folder into a pdf file:

Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir1 F:\inputdir2


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docprint pro

launch doc2pdf.exe and wait until it be finished completely

I have just purchased the PDF convertor and am trying to get this working in my application. I am using the command line options to convert documents. Right now I am busy with word documents. Here is the problem:

1. On converting PDF documents, I call the doc2pdf command using the Shell command. When the document has finished converting, the shell command completes. So I know when the shell is finished that I can look for the converted documents. So this works fine.

2. On Word documents, I launch the doc2pdf command using the Shell command. Your doc2pdf then launches Word, and I am assuming then prints to the document printer. The problem is that the shell command finishes executing long before word has finished converting. So when the shell has finished, I will need to wait for the images. But on a big document, how long do I wait, as the images start appearing way before the document is finished.

So I can't just wait forever. There might then be a problem with the document, and it doesn't print. So how long do I wait before I then know that the document failed?

The way it should work is the same way as the PDF documents. It only comes back when the document has finished converting.

Let me know how I can get this working correctly, without waiting.

The other problem is that the word document actually opens for the user to see then closes. This is a bit clumsy, as there might be a user on the server doing things, and it will be annoying for him if Word keeps on popping up.
Please refer to a ShellAndWait() function at below web page, you can call this function to launch doc2pdf.exe and wait until it be finished completely, we hoping this function will helpful to you,

The current version of doc2pdf.exe hasn't an option to "stop close Word application", we will try to implement this function in the future releases, we will let you know after this function is available.

Thanks for that. Let me know when you think this option will be available.

Thanks for your message, we will let you know after this function is available.


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