docconverter com

HTML2PDF / DocConverterCOM.pdfout

We are running into issue with DocConverterCOM.pdfout because if someone restart web server this service does not start automatically.

We have two questions,
1. Is there a way to make sure DocConverterCOM.pdfout is always running?
2. Is there a way to put some error trapping code in VB.Net project so that if DocConverterCOM.pdfout is not running than it start this service and then calls method to convert HTML2PDF?

>>? Is there a way to make sure DocConverterCOM.pdfout is always running?

If you install DocConverter COM as a service, please set "VeryPDF DocConverter COM Service" service to "Auto Start" mode, this service will be started automatically after you reboot the server.

If you install DocConverter COM as a normal Windows application, please select "Auto Run After Reboot" menu item from right-bottom tray area, doc2pdf_service.exe application will run automatically after you reboot the server.

>>? Is there a way to put some error trapping code in VB.Net project so that
>>if DocConverterCOM.pdfout is not running than it start this service and then
>>calls method to convert HTML2PDF?

You can use following VB.NET code to check if doc2pdf_service.exe process running, if doc2pdf_service.exe process is running, it is indicate DocConverterCOM Service is running, you can call DocConverterCOM.pdfout to convert documents to PDF files correctly,

public bool IsProcessRunning(string name)
//here we're going to get a list of all running processes on
//the computer
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
if (clsProcess.ProcessName.StartsWith(name))
//process found so it's running so return true
return true;
//process not found, return false
return false;


//Namespaces we need to use
using System.Diagnostics;

public bool IsProcessOpen(string name)
//here we're going to get a list of all running processes on
//the computer
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
//now we're going to see if any of the running processes
//match the currently running processes. Be sure to not
//add the .exe to the name you provide, i.e: NOTEPAD,
//not NOTEPAD.EXE or false is always returned even if
//notepad is running.
//Remember, if you have the process running more than once,
//say IE open 4 times the loop thr way it is now will close all 4,
//if you want it to just close the first one it finds
//then add a return; after the Kill

if (clsProcess.ProcessName.Contains(name))
//if the process is found to be running then we
//return a true
return true;
//otherwise we return a false
return false;

if doc2pdf_service.exe process is not running, you can call following command line to launch the "VeryPDF DocConverter COM Service" Service, then you can call DocConverterCOM.pdfout to convert documents to PDF files properly.

I think you forgot to give command line code to launch “VeryPDF DocConvertor COM Service”,

We tried using below code to start service from .Net but it’s not working. Can you please help us?

Dim StartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
StartInfo.FileName = "doc2pdf_service.exe"
StartInfo.Arguments = " -exe"
StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "D:\Downloads\VeryPDF\doc2pdf_com_full_v2.5\doc2pdf_com_full_v2.5\"
StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True

If you run DocConverterCOM as a normal Windows application, you can use your sample code to launch DocConverterCOM application,
Dim StartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
StartInfo.FileName = "doc2pdf_service.exe"
StartInfo.Arguments = " -exe"
StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "D:\Downloads\VeryPDF\doc2pdf_com_full_v2.5\doc2pdf_com_full_v2.5\"
StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True

However, if you use DocConverterCOM as a Windows Service, you need launch it by following command line,

net start "VeryPDF DocConverter COM Service"


Dim StartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"
StartInfo.Arguments = " net start \"VeryPDF DocConverter COM Service\""
StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "C:\"
StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True

Thanks for your reply. This is exactly what we were looking for.

I have one more questions, Is there a way/method to check number of pages in PDF so that we can add extra check in our code. Idea is to check number of pages in PDF before appending signature page to it and after appending signature page.
You can count the pages in PDF files easily, please refer to following web page for more information,

Counting the exact number of pages in any PDF document

We been ask to prove that this tool will append HTML 2 PDF every time. We have seen that there’s not good error trapping/handling available with this one. Is there a way to make 100% sure of job running and appending page? We have already added check for number of pages before and after appending html and also added check to make sure that doc2pdf_service.exe process is running.

Also can you please tell us what is ISO standards or security settings we are using for this tool?
1). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, this is a strange problem of append HTML file to existing PDF file, when we run the command line in CMD window, it does append HTML file to PDF file without any problem, this problem is appear in ASP code only, we sure it is caused by permission settings, but we can’t find out the reason at the moment.

However, in order to solve this problem quickly, we can present a copy of PDF Split-Merge Command Line application to you free, you can convert HTML file to PDF file first, and then call PDF Split-Merge Command Line application to combine two PDF files into one PDF file, we sure this solution will okay to you.

You can download the full version of PDF Split-Merge Command Line application from following URL,


After you unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to merge two PDF files into one PDF file,

Pdfpg.exe C:\test1.pdf C:\test2.pdf C:\out.pdf

You can call pdfpg.exe from your ASP code to combine two PDF files into one PDF file easily, we sure this solution will solve “appending HTML to PDF file” problem quickly.

2). Sorry, we don’t understand your meaning, do you wish create the PDF file with security settings?


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verypdf blog

Demo watermark in EMF to PDF or EMF to Vector

We are near the end of a project to convert PDF using XSL/FO and have encountered a problem with some of our EMF graphics in the FO output. We are hoping our FO provider can supply a fix, but in the event they cannot we are running a test using EMF2VEC to convert the EMF to PDF. While the PDF graphics look acceptable, the watermark is intrusive  enough that our QA department will not be able to approve this design. We were wondering if you could supply us with either a  temporary license or a non-watermarked version we could use for testing, with the understanding that if we do decide to go into Production with your product we will purchase it?

Thank you,
The demo watermark is included in trial version only, after you purchased it, the demo watermark will be removed automatically.

We haven't another trial version which without demo watermark, please understand.

Thanks for your response.

In order for us to make a purchase decision, we need to be able to evaluate the quality of our EMF graphics converted to PDF. We have seen with other products and approaches that some components of the graphics are either missing or not displayed correctly. With the watermark in your product overwriting portions of the output, we can't tell clearly if the components of the graphics are missing or it's just that the watermark is obscuring it.

We would really appreciate a temporary license. Can you please forward our request to a manager in your company that has the authority to make this type of decisions? We would be happy to explain our situation.
We haven't a temporary license for evaluation purpose, sorry for this matter.

However, you can increase the value for "-height" parameter to avoid the contents be coverted by demo watermark, for example,

emf2vec.exe -width 800 -height 2000 C:\test0001.emf C:\test0001.pdf

after you convert your EMF file to PDF file, you will able to see all contents in output PDF file, you can check every objects in resultant PDF file easily.

If you encounter an EMF file which can't be converted to PDF file by our emf2vec.exe application, please email that EMF file to us, after we checked your EMF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

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advanced pdf tools

linearize PDF files

We recently purchased a server version of the pdftools, but have some problems on our Windows 2008 Web Server (64-Bit).

Following parameters do NOT protect the pdf file.

pdftools.exe -i "E:\Anwendungen\PdfTools\test.pdf" -o "E:\wwwtemp\foo.pdf" -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -t "foo1" -a "foo" -k "bar" -S ownerpwd=foobar -S keylen=1 -S permission=1 -S "linearize=true" -l E:\wwwtemp\foo.log

The test.pdf file is the one coming with the zip-package.
It works on a Windows 7 (64-Bit), but as mentioned above not on the Windows 2008 Web Server (64-Bit).

Version shows the following:

Advanced PDF Tools Copyright (C)2000-2009 Inc
Release Date: Jul  7 2009

When I tried an older version the program crashed when we used one of the following parameters:

-S keylen=1 -S linearize=true

Please fix this problem, we need the program urgently.
Please turn off DEP for "pdftools.exe" application to try again, please refer to following steps about how to turn off DEP in your system,

1. Click "Start"
2. Select "Control Panel"
3. Select "System"
4. Click the "Advanced" tab
5. In the "Performance" region select "Settings"
6. Click the "Data Execute" tab in the dialog box that opens 7. Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select"
8. Click "Add"
9. The open dialog box will open. Browse and select "pdftools.exe" application in your computer, 10. Click "Open"
11. Click "Apply"
12. Click "Ok"
13. Reboot

OK, you can run "pdftools.exe" without any problem now, please to try.

If you still have same problem, please create a remote desktop account on your test machine, after we logged into your test machine, we will research this problem for you asap.

the problem still exists after adding "pdftools.exe" to the exception list.

Since I can't give you access to our productive server I installed another one in a virtual machine.
The error exists on the new machine too.
I have updated the pdftools.exe on your machine, you can run following command line to encrypt your PDF file properly now,

pdftools.exe -i "C:\advanced_pdf_tools_cmd_v3.0\test.pdf" -o "C:\advanced_pdf_tools_cmd_v3.0\foo.pdf" -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -t "foo1" -a "foo" -k "bar" -S ownerpwd=foobar -S keylen=1 -S securitykey=-1852 -S "linearize=true" -l "C:\advanced_pdf_tools_cmd_v3.0\foo.log"

The protection seems to work in the new version, but now we have other problems:

- when I use one of our pdfs, the -a and -k parameters won't work / not set if we remove the securitykey option it works, your test.pdf also works always
- linearize doesn't work, shows following:
Use another method to linearize PDF file...
Not Implemented.
- the program crashes, if the owner password is longer than 31 characters

This also happens on my local Win7 System now.
Following commandline was used:

pdftools.exe -i "E:\temp.pdf" -o "E:\wwwtemp\foo.pdf" -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -t "foo1" -a "foo" -k "bar" -S ownerpwd=foobar -S keylen=1 -S securitykey=-1852 -S "linearize=true" -l "E:\wwwtemp\foo.log"

I attached a test pdf generated with Adobe Acrobat 9 (temp.pdf).
>>- when I use one of our pdfs, the -a and -k parameters won't work /
>>not set if we remove the securitykey option it works, your test.pdf
>>also works always

You can add -e "" parameter to try again.

>>- linearize doesn't work, shows following:
>>Use another method to linearize PDF file...
>>Not Implemented.

We have created a new version of pdftools.exe to you, please download the new version from following URL,


after you replace pdftools.exe with new version, please run following command line to enable "linearize" function to your PDF file,

pdftools.exe -i D:\temp4\temp\temp.pdf -o D:\temp4\temp\_temp.pdf -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -t "foo1" -a "foo" -k "bar" -e "" -S ownerpwd=foobar -S keylen=1 -S permission=1 -S "linearize=true"

>>- the program crashes, if the owner password is longer than 31 characters

The length of password can't longer than 31 characters, this is the limitation of PDF format, please understand.

The -a and -k now work when I use the -e "" parameter.

If I use the following parameters I get an error:

E:\>pdftools.exe -i "E:\temp.pdf" -o "E:\wwwtemp\foo.pdf" -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -e "" -t "foo1" -a "foo" -k "bar" -S ownerpwd=foobar -S keylen=1 -S permission=1 -S "linearize=true"

E:\temp.pdf ==> E:\wwwtemp\foo.pdf
Use another method to linearize PDF file...
Advanced PDF Processing [Error]: ( Invalid Object )

You should add the maximum passwort length to the description like this:
-S "ownerpwd=XXX"  : Set 'owner password' to PDF file (max. 31 characters)
We have modified the the pdftools.exe to you, please download the new version from following URL,


Please use "-! Opt2" parameter to instead of -S "linearize=true" to try again, for example,

pdftools.exe -i "D:\temp4\temp\temp.pdf" -o "D:\temp4\temp\temp_out.pdf" -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -e "" -t "foo1" -a "foo" -k "bar" -S ownerpwd=foobar -S keylen=1 -S permission=1 -! Opt2

Your program doesn't work.

We used the following command:

pdftools.exe -i "temp_in.pdf" -o "temp_out.pdf" -g Singlepage -n "FitWindow true DisplayDocTitle true" -e "" -t "title" -a "author" -k "keywords" -S ownerpwd=LgJMBGTR -S keylen=1 -S permission=1 -! Opt2

- No title is set
- No author is set
- No description is set
- Your program change the color format too.
The color was changed in a wrong matter.
Please do not change the pdf content!
You can see it in the attachment.

What we also see is:
- the converting process lasts very long 5 min. for about 60 pages
- the file size is reduced by half

It seems that program doesn't work correctly.
Do you think you can you managed the problem?

Please send us a program that will work.
The testing is very expensive to us.

Thank you for your help.
You MUST put pdftools.exe and pdfsdk.dll to same folder, then you can insert these information into PDF file correctly.

thank you for the hint to put the pdfsdk.dll in the same folder.
It was my mistake. Sorry!
Now, I tested your new program with exe and dll in the same folder.
- the title is set
- the author is set
- the description is set
Perfect, thank you.
But …
1. with "-! opt2":
your program change the color format too.
The color was changed in a wrong matter.
Please do not change the pdf content!
You can see it in the attachment.
Please compare the two pdf's side by side.

2. without "-! opt2":
your program shows an error message:
'Use another method to linearize PDF file...
Advanced PDF Processing [Error]: General Level ( Cannot Open File )'
In the bat-file is no linearize set.
No file is created.

3. with "-S "linearize=true"":
your program shows an error message:
'Use another method to linearize PDF file...
Advanced PDF Processing [Error]: General Level ( Cannot Open File )'
In the bat-file is no linearize set.
No file is created.
The bat-files are attached in the zip

So, now we are not able to get a PDF-file, with or without linearize or opt2.
What is to do?

Please send us a program that will work.
1. Please note, your program should not change the color or the quality of the origin pdf!
2. Your program should not rewrite the PDF!

Are you able to make your program work?
Please, help it is urgent.

Thank you for your help.
the new version does convert all colorspace to RGB colorspace autmatically, I have disable this feature in the new version, please use the new version to try again.

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powerpoint to flash

Convert PowerPoint files to AS2 or AS3 Flash SWF files

Good evening, i'm writing from italy.
I like know if the language of the swf that verydoc produce is AS2 or AS3
Our PDF to Vector Converter product is able to create both AS2 and AS3 SWF files from PDF files.

i'm interested for a server license to convert ppt to swf in as2
i like a license that work with command line from php o asp code
DO you have this product?
We have a PowerPoint Converter product, this product can convert from PPT file to SWF file (AS2 file), you can download the trial version of PowerPoint Converter from following web page to try,

after you purchased the server license of PowerPoint Converter, you can call it from your PHP code to convert PPT files to SWF files quickly.

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docprint pro

Security program

I have the verypdf program installed on my laptop but would like to transfer it to my new PC which is bigger but running on Windows 7.
I have a key code which was given to me in case of crashing and reloading. However, I don't know whether this is the original one as I had  a key given to me when I had lost mine.
I can, however, prepare the PDF's on my laptop and then transfer them to my PC but it is a bit tedious naturally.   What I do want to add is your security program as I want to restrict the copies and may be allow only a once-off printing copy.   My questions are:
Can this be done with your security program?
How do I add this program to the verypdf ?
Do I need a PDF writer program in place of the verypdf program?
What I do need is a workable PDF secure copy for my books. I want to prevent people just to make copies for their friends at random and I don't really want to switch to an e-book but want to use your programs as a pdf book.
Trusting to hear from you soon.

>>Can this be done with your security program?

Yes, you can use our Encrypt PDF v2.3 software to protect your PDF file from copying and printing. Encrypt PDF v2.3 can be downloaded from following web page,

>>How do I add this program to the verypdf ?
>>Do I need a PDF writer program in place of the verypdf program?

Sorry, we don't understand your meaning, do you wish convert Word documents to PDF files? If yes, you can download Document Printer v5.0 from following web page to try, you can print your word document to docPrint PDF Driver, then you will convert your Word documents to PDF files easily,

>>What I do need is a workable PDF secure copy for my books. I want to prevent people just
>>to make copies for their friends at random and I don't really want to switch to an e-book
>>but want to use your programs as a pdf book.

There is no way to disable "Save As" or "Copy PDF files to their friends" because there are several ways to save/copy the document either using the Adobe Reader or using the Operation System. Your best option would be to use a password to protect the data so users cannot edit the file.  If the information is that sensitive, then have them sign a disclosure agreement before
you give them the information.


Thank you for the feedback.   I have been using  VeryPDFCampPrinter for the past couple of years. I like it but I  have a new PC now and I have lost my original password. A password was given me later when mine had crashed (I paid as far as I can rememer, something extra) but how can I transfer this program to my new PC or do you perhaps recommend the later version?   Isn't there a program that is all in one?  That is, to convert to PDF and to Encrypt if one wants to do so?
Kindly let me know, else I will use the VeryPDFCampPrinter on my laptop and then transfer it to the new PC via my USB port using an external harddrive and then I will apply the program you have recommend in your previous email.
Thanks for your kind assistance,

Also, can I convert with my VeryPDFCampPrinter to PDF without using the 40 or 128 encryption? I have always used it for all my conversions.

>>but how can I transfer this program to my new PC or do you perhaps recommend
>>the later version?

Thanks for your message, you can simple uninstall the product from old PC, install it to your new PC, register it by your original license key, then you can use it on your new PC properly.

You can also upgrade to latest version, the upgrade cost is 50% of purchase price, if you wish upgrade to latest version, please email to us your original Order ID, we will send the upgrade web page to you shortly.

>>Isn't there a program that is all in one?  That is, to convert to PDF and to Encrypt if one wants to do so?

Yes, our PDFcamp Printer product can convert office documents and HTML files to PDF files and encrypt them automatically, it has these functions.

>>Also, can I convert with my VeryPDFCampPrinter to PDF without using the 40 or 128 encryption? I have always used it for all my conversions.

Yes, you can choose 40 or 128 encryption option in Properties Dialog of PDFcamp Printer, the PDFcamp Printer will encrypt your printed PDF files automatically.



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