Security program

I have the verypdf program installed on my laptop but would like to transfer it to my new PC which is bigger but running on Windows 7.
I have a key code which was given to me in case of crashing and reloading. However, I don't know whether this is the original one as I had  a key given to me when I had lost mine.
I can, however, prepare the PDF's on my laptop and then transfer them to my PC but it is a bit tedious naturally.   What I do want to add is your security program as I want to restrict the copies and may be allow only a once-off printing copy.   My questions are:
Can this be done with your security program?
How do I add this program to the verypdf ?
Do I need a PDF writer program in place of the verypdf program?
What I do need is a workable PDF secure copy for my books. I want to prevent people just to make copies for their friends at random and I don't really want to switch to an e-book but want to use your programs as a pdf book.
Trusting to hear from you soon.

>>Can this be done with your security program?

Yes, you can use our Encrypt PDF v2.3 software to protect your PDF file from copying and printing. Encrypt PDF v2.3 can be downloaded from following web page,

>>How do I add this program to the verypdf ?
>>Do I need a PDF writer program in place of the verypdf program?

Sorry, we don't understand your meaning, do you wish convert Word documents to PDF files? If yes, you can download Document Printer v5.0 from following web page to try, you can print your word document to docPrint PDF Driver, then you will convert your Word documents to PDF files easily,

>>What I do need is a workable PDF secure copy for my books. I want to prevent people just
>>to make copies for their friends at random and I don't really want to switch to an e-book
>>but want to use your programs as a pdf book.

There is no way to disable "Save As" or "Copy PDF files to their friends" because there are several ways to save/copy the document either using the Adobe Reader or using the Operation System. Your best option would be to use a password to protect the data so users cannot edit the file.  If the information is that sensitive, then have them sign a disclosure agreement before
you give them the information.


Thank you for the feedback.   I have been using  VeryPDFCampPrinter for the past couple of years. I like it but I  have a new PC now and I have lost my original password. A password was given me later when mine had crashed (I paid as far as I can rememer, something extra) but how can I transfer this program to my new PC or do you perhaps recommend the later version?   Isn't there a program that is all in one?  That is, to convert to PDF and to Encrypt if one wants to do so?
Kindly let me know, else I will use the VeryPDFCampPrinter on my laptop and then transfer it to the new PC via my USB port using an external harddrive and then I will apply the program you have recommend in your previous email.
Thanks for your kind assistance,

Also, can I convert with my VeryPDFCampPrinter to PDF without using the 40 or 128 encryption? I have always used it for all my conversions.

>>but how can I transfer this program to my new PC or do you perhaps recommend
>>the later version?

Thanks for your message, you can simple uninstall the product from old PC, install it to your new PC, register it by your original license key, then you can use it on your new PC properly.

You can also upgrade to latest version, the upgrade cost is 50% of purchase price, if you wish upgrade to latest version, please email to us your original Order ID, we will send the upgrade web page to you shortly.

>>Isn't there a program that is all in one?  That is, to convert to PDF and to Encrypt if one wants to do so?

Yes, our PDFcamp Printer product can convert office documents and HTML files to PDF files and encrypt them automatically, it has these functions.

>>Also, can I convert with my VeryPDFCampPrinter to PDF without using the 40 or 128 encryption? I have always used it for all my conversions.

Yes, you can choose 40 or 128 encryption option in Properties Dialog of PDFcamp Printer, the PDFcamp Printer will encrypt your printed PDF files automatically.


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