I bought the "PDF Editor Toolkit" about 3 years ago.
I occurred something problem.
The error occurred when I convert the image file to PDF file on Windows 7.
More exactly, the error occur convert over 50 images.
When I convert TIF UNCOMPRESSED format images to PDF
- Sometimes errors in the 70th or 80th will occur
- Occur differently every time.
When I convert TIF JPEG format(or JPEG) images to PDF
- Sometimes errors in the 40th or 50th will occur
- Also occur differently every time. But it occur earlier case 1
It does not occurred on Windows XP.
I think you should use cximage.
I think perhaps there was a problem in cximgae
I attach image files and pdf edit tookit dll to send to you.
Check it plz.
Purchasing Information are follow :
PDF Editor Toolkit Professional Version Developer License
verywrite.dll -
cimage.dll -
O/S - windows 7
I send to you sample files.
Also, I’ll send to you source code of the test program after I create the test program and the testing is completed.
I will using Visual C++ 6.0
You must testing at least more 100 per conversion on the Windows 7.
Contact me please if you solve the this problem.
Thanks for your sample files, we will check this problem shortly, we will let you know as soon as we have any finding on it, thanks for your patience.
We have found a bug in our program.
This problem has occurred in your program was not a problem.
I’ll contact you if I found the another problem
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for update the information on this matter.
Thank you.