We are having trouble with your pptconv product.
I am using pptconv with MS Office 2007 on a Windows 2008 (64-bit) system.
The attached PPT file, when converted with the following command:
pptconv -unicode pics-1.ppt pics-1.pdf
... has two problems:
1) the shadow until the title text on slide 1 is terribly dithered and creates a quality issue for us
2) the clipart drawing on slide 2 renders as a vertical line... this happens for any similar clipart.
Can you give us a workaround? Thanks,
Here is the sample doc.
Thanks for your sample PPT file, please look at attached SWF file and PDF file, these SWF and PDF files were converted by our PPT to Flash Converter product, these SWF and PDF files are look fine, please feel free to let us know if you have any question for these files.
Also, you can download DOC to Any Converter from following web page to try, you can use DOC to Any Converter to convert this PPT file to high quality PDF file,
for example,
doc2any.exe D:\temp5\pics-1.ppt D:\temp5\pics-1.pdf
please refer to converted PDF file in attachment.
Thank you for your response... this route sounds promising as we already own 2 doc2any licenses; however, when I try to run doc2any on this file I get the following error:
C:\Users\Administrator>doc2any "z:\pics-1.ppt" c:\temp\pics-1.pdf
Thank you for choosing our product.
Loading "z:\pics-1.ppt" file...[20%]
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
Prepare to convert "z:\pics-1.ppt" file...[10%]
Loading "z:\pics-1.ppt" file...[20%]
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
[FAILED] Can't locate EMF files.
Conversion time = 827ms
z:\pics-1.ppt ==> c:\temp\pics-1.pdf, result=ERROR
TickCount = 827ms(0.83s), Result = 0
Can you help me understand what the issue is? We use doc2any to convert other documents such as .Doc and .XLS without such errors.
We suggest you may copy the PPT file from Z:\ to local disk first, e.g., C:\ and run following command lines to try again,
doc2any "C:\pics-1.ppt" c:\temp\pics-1.pdf
doc2any -useprinter -useoffice 1 "C:\pics-1.ppt" c:\temp\pics-1.pdf
can you work fine with above command lines?
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