When convert PPT to PDF, some of you may need to combine the new created PDF with an existing PDF on the computer. This article aims to introduce the method that you can use to convert PPT to PDF and combine PDF by command line.
Firstly, you are going to need a document convert. You are strongly recommended to use VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro). One application provided by VeryPDF Document Converter can help you solve the problem. And it is named docPrint Pro Command Line or doc2pdf.exe, which is stored in the installation folder. After install Document Converter, please proceed to the next step.
Secondly, you need to run Command Prompt. Under different Windows, you may need to use different ways to run Command Prompt. In Window XP, please click Start and then click Command Prompt. In Windows Vista, please click Start, type cmd in the Search box of the Start menu, and press Enter.
Thirdly, you should type a command line based on the following syntax:
doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
To combine PDF, you are going use the option: -p <output Flag>. Four values are permitted.
- -p 0: overwrite if PDF file exists
- -p 1: insert before first page if PDF file exists
- -p 2: append to last page if PDF file exists
- -p 3: rename filename if PDF file exists
Please take a look at the example as follows:
"C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -p 2 -i C:\in.ppt -o E:\out.pdf
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of the executable file. If you type it alone in the command prompt window and press Enter, all the options will be displayed there.
- -p 2 is the option that can help you combine PDF, putting the new one before the existing one.
- -i C:\in.ppt represent the input file.
- -o E:\out.pdf represent the output file.
Please type your command line to convert PPT to PDF and combine PDF. Don’t forget to press Enter. For more information about VeryPDF Document Converter, please read more introduction on http://verypdf.com/artprint/index.html