Do you believe that there is a kind of application which can convert any printable documents to image formats and can also set image size for the target file? Document Converter is such a kind of application. It contains three kinds of internal applications which can help you meet different requirements.
The command line application to be introduced in this article is able to be used by software developers to develop software. When you design new applications, you can embed or redistribute the command line application to your own developed applications. The GUI application allows you to convert documents to images in batch more easily. When you want to save paper and ink, you can choose the virtual printer application which is able to scale page size and combine pages on one single sheet.
You just need to use three steps to convert txt to image and set image size with the help of the command line application. Before using it, please download a free trial version of the application for experiencing at After installing the application on your computer, you will see the executable file doc2pdf.exe which is the called program file in the conversion and you should call it in MS-DOS interface.
Firstly, please use one of the following ways to open MS-DOS interface. The first way is to click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you should input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. If you want to the other way, please press “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and then do the same work to continue the step.
Secondly, please input the command line in MS-DOS interface. You just need to remember that there are four parts in the command line, including called program, parameter for setting image size, source file and target file. The following one is an example for reference when you input the command line yourself.
doc2pdf –w 500 –h 300 –i C:\IN.txt –o C:\OUT.jpg
(NOTE: JPG format image is the example of output image file.)
In the command line,
- doc2pdf stands for the called program. The path of it must be inputted in the command line prompt window when you write the command line.
- –w 500 –h 300 is for setting image size for target file by customizing the width and height of the target file.
- –i C:\IN.txt is the path of source file.
- –o C:\OUT.jpg is the name of target file.
When you type the command line, please don’t forget the options “-i” and “-o” which stand for “input” and “output” files. For running the conversion from txt to image, please hit “Enter” button on the keyboard and wait for several seconds till the target file is created.