Convert OpenOffice to PDF and set PDF author by command line

If you want to convert the file of OpenOffice to PDF document and set PDF author at the same time, which kind of application you’d better use and which conversion method you should take? In this article, a command line application will be recommended and the conversion method will be shown in the following contents.

Which kind of application you should use?

The command line application doc2pdf.exe can be used to convert any printable documents to many kinds of image formats and you can use it to set various kinds of  parameters for the target file. You can download the free trial version of doc2pdf.exe at and install it on your computer. Then the executable file doc2pdf.exe is available.

What conversion way you should take?

If you want to convert the document of OpenOffice to PDF file and set PDF author by command line smoothly and quickly, please use the following way.

The first step is opening MS-DOS prompt window. For your convenience, you can use one of the following given ways.

  • You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button for opening MS-DOS prompt window.
  • For the same purpose to open “Run” dialog box, you can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R”.

The second step is inputting the command line in MS-DOS prompt window. The command line contains called program, parameter for setting PDF author, source file and target file, just like the following one:

doc2pdf.exe –a “Nancy” –i C:\aa.odt –o C:\bb.pdf

  • doc2pdf.exe is the called program.
  • –a “Nancy” is the parameter for setting author for PDF document.
  • –i C:\aa.odt stands for the source file.
  •  –o C:\bb.pdf stands for the target file.

For better understanding the command line, you should apply it yourself. Please see the following command line example.

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pd.exe" –a “Nancy” -i "C:\aa.odt" -o C:\bb.pdf

  • "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pd.exe" is the path of doc2pdf.exe and you can drag the file to the command line window for obtaining the file path.
  • –a “Nancy” specified the PDF author as “Nancy”.
  •  -i "C:\aa.odt" is the path of source file, in which “-i” can not be ignored.
  • -o C:\bb.pdf is the path of target file. “-o” can not be lost, either.

The last step is clicking “Enter” button to complete the conversion from the document of OpenOffice to PDF document. If you have done all things above, you will get the new created PDF document with the author information as “Nancy”.

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