With the help of the command line application doc2pdf.exe, you will easily convert the document of ODT to PDF and set PDF author. The application you should use is the command line application doc2pdf.exe.
By using doc2pdf.exe you can convert any printable documents to various image formats and you can also set the parameters for the target file such as PDF description, image resolution, image size, page size, etc. You just need to input the commands in the command line prompt window.
In the following contents, you will see how to convert the document of ODT to PDF and set PDF author by command line and only three steps will help you finish the conversion.
But at first, you should download doc2pdf.exe at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe. The installation process is easy enough for you to do. When the installation is over, you can see the executable file doc2pdf.exe in the package.
The steps are shown below.
Step1. Just click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then you should input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. You can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.
Step2. Please use the following command line basic template to write your own command line for converting ODT to PDF and setting PDF author. The command line must include four elements—called program, parameter for setting PDF author, source file and target file.
doc2pdf –a “VeryPDF” –i C:\FILE1.odt –o C:\FILE2.pdf
When you input the command line, you need to use the path of each file. In this command line, please use the paths of called program, source file and target file.
For better understanding the command line template, you can see the following example:
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" –a “VeryPDF” –i “D:\My Documents\FILE1.odt” –o “D:\My Documents”
We can analyze this command line together:
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" stands for the path of the called program—doc2pdf.exe. If you don’t want to input the long path, you can copy and paste the path into MS-DOS interface.
–a “VeryPDF” means you have set PDF author as “VeryPDF”.
–i “D:\My Documents\FILE1.odt” is the path of source file and you can not ignore “-i” before the path.
–o “D:\My Documents” is the path of source file. Also, “-o” can not be lost.
Step3. By hitting the button “Enter” on your keyboard, you can run the conversion from the document of ODT to PDF. The conversion will be finished several seconds later.
If you are interested in the application, you can see more information about it via clicking here.