The conversion from webpage to mng can be made perfectly well with the help of the application Document Converter. If you need to convert any printable documents to some kinds of image formats, please choose Document Converter as your tool which will shorten your work time a lot.
For this conversion, one of the internal application of Document Converter is the most suitable—the virtual printer, also the document converter docPrint. When you see docPrint as a printer, it can scale the page size or combine some pages to one sheet, which are good ways for saving paper and ink. When you see it as a document converter, it is powerful enough to convert many types of printable documents to image formats in a friendly interface with just some easy clicks.
To convert webpage to mng, only three steps are required if you use docPrint. But please download Document Converter at and you should install it on your computer. After the installation, docPrint will appear in the printer list with all the installed printers of your computer.
The first step—Please run the printer driver at the beginning of the conversion from webpage to mng. In an opened Webpage, please click “File”—“Print” to open the “Print” dialog box in which you are able to choose “docPrint” as your printer in “Printer” combo box. Then please click on “Print” button.
The second step—You need to open the “Save As” dialog box in which some parameters can be set and the target file can be saved. You can use one of the following offered ways: 1. Please click “File”—“Save as”. 2. You can use the “Save File” button in the toolbar. 3. Press the combination of “Ctrl”+ “S” on the keyboard.
The third step—Please save the target file in “Save As” dialog box. Some operations must be done before you run the conversion from webpage to mng. In “Save in” combo box, please choose the location for the target file. In “File name” edit box, you need to input the name of the target file. In “Save as type” combo box, please choose the output format. Then you should click on “Save” button. To learn the “Save As” dialog box, please see it in Figure1.
You will see a green progress bar appear at the bottom of the interface of docPrint. When the conversion from webpage to mng is over, the progress bar will disappear again, when you can find your target file in the output location you have set.