Good Morning,
I'm writing this email to notify a problem found using docPrinter app.
I'm using it in command line mode, with this parameters string:
"-i " + <originalFileName> + " -o " + <convertedFileName> + " -r 150x150 -b 1 -g 1"
this is the log result:
C:\temp\BIL_0000000000230572_2010_12_31_01_00_00_rcaroti.pdf ==> C:\Users\mfaralli.IFIS\Desktop\h\BIL_0000000000230572_2010_12_31_01_00_00_rcaroti.png, Result Code = 0
Conversion time = 11.84s (11844ms)
I'm trying converting a PDF to PNG using the line on top, passing a PDF file of 3.10MB and 153 pages.
While converting i saw that doc2pdf.exe instance crash, after reaching the 300MB of memory in use.
Have you got any suggestion? Can the problem depends on -r (resolution) command or document pages?
I've also tried use User Interface program version but nothing changed, doc2pdf.exe crash.
My operative system is Win7 (32bit), but i tried with another OS but the same PDF give me the same error.
I'm using docPrint Pro v5.0 (Build Date: Oct 7 2009).
I have tried following command line in my system just now, docPrint Pro v5.0 can convert your PDF file to PNG files without any problem,
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i D:\temp4\BIL_0000000000230572_2010_12_31_01_00_00_rcaroti.pdf -o D:\temp4\BIL_0000000000230572_2010_12_31_01_00_00_rcaroti.png
The latest version of docPrint Pro v5.0 product’s “Release Date is: May 25 2010”, we suggest you may download the latest version of docPrint Pro v5.0 from our website to try again,