If you are a software developer, you may need the development package Mini EMF Printer Driver to implement the function of printing any printable documents to image formats when developing your own software. Mini EMF Printer Driver supplies command line, virtual printer applications and interfaces and they can be called by third part applications. To convert Word to PCX, you can use the command line application for it has the ability to print any printable documents to image formats.
You must click here for downloading Mini EMF Printer Driver and install it on your computer. You will see the executable file MiniPrint. exe in installation folder of Mini EMF Printer Driver. You can call MiniPrint. exe freely in MS-DOS interface for it is a MS-DOS oriented application.
When you need the developer license of the development package, you should visit the purchasing website at https://www.verypdf.com/order_miniemfprinter.html. You will get a forever benefit when you get the developer license because you will never need to pay any other user fees for using Mini EMF Printer Driver. You can freely distribute your applications which are designed based on Mini EMF Printer Drive or redistribute the components to your applications.
You need to open the MS-DOS command line window if you want to use MiniPrint. exe for you to convert Word to PCX. You can click “Start”—“Run” for opening “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box, then please click “OK” button. The hot key “Window”+ “R” will aslo help you open “Run” dialog box.
To input the command line in opened MS-DOS command line window is the most important step in the conversion from Word to PCX. The command line contains called program which is the executable file MiniPrint. exe, source file which is the Word document you want to convert and the target file you want to get.
The following basic command line is the one for your reference.
miniprint.exe C:\in.doc C:\out.pcx
The command line must be written as the one shown above.
Please see the specific example below.
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\word\LibGuidesOrderForm.doc" C:\know.pcx
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" is the absolute path of MiniPrint.exe. You can drag it from its folder to the command line window.
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\word\LibGuidesOrderForm.doc" is the absolute path of the Word document.
C:\know.pcx is the absolute path of target PCX file.
Then please hit “Enter” button on your keyboard for running the conversion from Word to PCX and you will get your target file in the specified location.
There are also some other functions about Mini EMF Printer Driver, if you want to learn about them, please visit its homepage: https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/mini-emf-printer-driver.htm.