Mini EMF Printer Driver is a kind of Software Development Kit (SDK) which is designed for software developers for developing their own applications to realize the function of converting any printable documents to various image formats. The SDK supplies callable command line and virtual printer applications for users. You can also use the codes and functions offered by the SDK in your applications to implement related functions. If you want to convert Word to GIF format image, you can take the command line application MiniPrint.exe as your helper.
Please click here to download Mini EMF Printer Driver if you want to get the command line application of it. After installing the SDK on your computer, you can see MiniPrint.exe locate in installation folder. Another application—the virtual printer VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer which locates in printer list is also installed on your computer at the same time. You can use the printer to print any printable documents to EMF image format.
For MiniPrint.exe is a MS-DOS oriented application, you have to open MS-DOS command line window at first to use the command line application. You can follow the two given ways below to open the command line window.
- Please use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box in which you should input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.
- You can also click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in it to open MS-DOS command line window.
You are ought to write the command line in MS-DOS command line window for converting Word to GIF. The command line is consisted of three parts—called program, source file and target file. You can write you own command line according the following template.
miniprint.exe C:\in.doc C:\out.gif
miniprint.exe stands for the called program.
C:\in.doc stands for input Word document.
C:\out.gif stands for output GIF image file.
In the command line, you need to use the absolute path of each parameter. Please see the specific example command line for converting Word to GIF.
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\word\LibGuidesOrderForm.doc" C:\me.gif
- "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" stands for the absolute path of MiniPrint.exe. If you don’t want to input a so long path, you can directly drag the file into command line window.
- "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\word\LibGuidesOrderForm.doc" is the absolute path of source file, which can also be dragged into the command line window.
- C:\me.gif is the absolute path of target file, which needs to be specified by you.
Hitting “Enter” button on your keyboard is the last thing you should do in the conversion. After that, you need to wait for several seconds until the target file pop up itself on your screen.
You can find your target file in the specified location. If you need to use the developer license, please click this link: to buy it. After getting the license, there is no need to pay other fees for using the SDK no matter you want to develop your applications or redistribute the related components about the SDK to your own applications.