YES, :), with GUI interface of HTML Converter, your conversion from RTF to BMP can be fulfilled on computers of Windows systems. To know more info about HTML Converter, welcome to log on official website of HTML Converter. Also it is our pleasure if you visit homepage of verypdf to know more applications. 🙂
Next, please follow steps below to convert RTF to BMP with HTML Converter:
1. Install HTML Converter:
Please download installer of HTML Converter through this link: After that, you need to install HTML Converter with this way: double click this installer > follow setup wizard till the end.
2. Process your task with HTML Converter:
- Launch HTML Converter, then add source RTF file: drag and drop your RTF file into processing form directly, or click button of “Add Files” on GUI interface > select RTF file and click “open”
- Set objective format as BMP and edit its properties accordingly and optionally: click button of “Setting” on GUI interface > click tab “Base Settings” on pop panel:
to set BMP as targeting file type, please click “.bmp” on dropdown list of “Output format”
to edit color depth of BMP, please click one option on dropdown list of “Image Color Depth”
to edit resolution of BMP on X and Y direction, please select one option on dropdown list of “Image Resolution”
Moreover, there are other options for BMP you can select and edit on this panel, which you can try by yourself. Finally, to save your settings, please click “ok”.
- Edit targeting folder and start process with button “start”: click “start” on GUI interface > choose one folder and click “ok” in dialog box “Browse for folder” so that BMP file can be generated into targeting folder automatically 🙂
After description of how to convert RTF to BMP with HTML Converter, if you have questions on this conversion, it is simple and convenient for you to add your comments here, then our custom service can contact you as soon as possible. 🙂