How to convert Italian PDF to editable Excel

For converting PDF to editable Excel, maybe there are two situations that you need to consider. One is that input PDF is the common PDF which can be directly converted to Excel with common document converter. The other one is that input PDF is scanned or image PDF which can not be converted by common converter directly.

But if you have the application VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter as your helper, there is no need to think about these kinds of problems because this OCR converter can give you two kinds solutions, which means by using this exclusive application, you can convert either common PDF or image PDF to editable Excel easily.

Please download PDF to Excel OCR Converter at its homepage where supplies the evaluation version of the the application. By following the installation wizard, you can easily install PDF to Excel OCR Converter on your computer. Then please the following conversion steps.

The first step—Open the application

For opening PDF to Excel OCR Converter, you can choose any one of the following given ways as you like. (1) Double click the icon of the application if you have created one on desktop or taskbar. (2) Right click the application icon and click “Open” option in dropdown list. (3) Click “Start”—“All Programs”—“VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter v2.0”—“VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter v2.0” Then you will see the main interface of the application at once. Please see it in Figure 1.

interface of PDF to Excel OCR Converter save PDF to editable Excel

                                 Figure 1                                                                 Figure 2

The second step—Add file into the application

When you use some other program to deal with documents, you may need to open file picker window to choose the file you need and add it into the program. Similarly, you also need to open file picker window by clicking “Add PDF File (s)” button or right clicking file list and choosing “Add files” option in floating item if you want to add PDF into PDF to Excel OCR Converter. For the same purpose, you can also directly drag and drop the needed PDF into the file list, which is thought as the most convenient way.

The third step—Set parameters for target file

In top right dropdown list, there are seven options for your choice. If the input Italian PDF is a common one, you just need to check the 1st option: convert PDF file without use OCR. On the contrary, if it is a scanned or image one, you need to use the OCR function by checking the fifth option: OCR PDF file (Language: Italian).

Then you can set the output layout, output format, set the page range for the target file in “Output Options”, “Output Formats”, “Page Range” group boxes. If the input PDF is encrypted and you want to convert this PDF to editable Excel, you need to input its open password in “PDF Password” edit box. If you check “View after convert” option, the target file will be displayed automatically as long as the conversion comes to the end.

The last step—Save target file and run the conversion

Please click “Convert” button and you will see “Save as” dialog box pop up. “Save in” dropdown list enables you to specify the output location for the target file. “File name” edit box allows you to input the name for the target file. Then please click “Save” button to save the changes and run the conversion from PDF to editable Excel. Please see “Save as” dialog box in Figure 2.

After reading this article, you may be interested in PDF to Excel OCR Converter. If you want to purchase this application, you can also visit its homepage.

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