With GUI interface of HTML Converter, process from WMF to PDF can be accomplished very easily on computers of Windows systems.
HTML Converter is our main tool for this process, so please click following link for entering official website of HTML Converter https://www.verypdf.com/app/html-converter/index.html if you need to know more. But by the way, on our official website, there are many different kinds of converting tools, so I think in case this tool can not satisfy your demand, maybe you can log on https://www.verypdf.com/ to overview other products. 🙂
Of course, if you want to know how to convert WMF to PDF, here is the solution with HTML Converter below:
1. Download installer of HTML Converter > double click it on your computer > follow setup wizard step by step till installation is finished successfully, so HTML Converter can be installed on your computer.
2. Launch HTML Converter > click “Add Files” on GUI interface, so a dialog box is opened on your screen, where you can select WMF file and click “open”, then you can notice path of this WMF can be shown in processing form, which also indicate it is successful to add this WMF file for conversion:
3. After it is successful to add this WMF file, please set targeting format as PDF, here are more details:
Click button of “Setting” on GUI interface > select tab “Base Settings” on setting panel, then on dropdown list of “output format”, please click “.pdf” there, so for saving this setting and making it effective during conversion, please click “ok” there so that at the same time this panel can be closed, too:
4. After you get back to GUI interface, you need to select destination folder and produce PDF file, so you need to click button of “start” on GUI interface, then there can be a dialog box appearing on your screen, where you should select one folder and name PDF filename accordingly, finally, if you need to continue to start process in order to produce PDF file, please click “save” there, so after a few while, PDF file can be produced into this targeting folder automatically.
By now, the illustration about how to convert WMF to PDF with HTML Converter is finished like above. So if you think you need to buy this HTML Converter, it is convenient to go to order page of HTML Converter at this link: https://www.verypdf.com/order_htmltools_gui.html. Thank you for reading this article, guys! 🙂