how to make use of EncrptPDF at ASP Application Server Level?

Please let advice how to make use of EncrptPDF at ASP Application Server Level ( Usable in Background Jobs).

Please refer to following information about how to call EncryptPDF SDK from ASP code,

The EncryptPDF COM for asp user manual

1.Copy the encryptpdf.dll and EncryptPDFOCX.dll files to your system32 directory, for example,
copy encryptpdf.dll c:\windows\system32
copy EncryptPDFOCX.dll c:\windows\system32
2.Register the EncryptPDFOCX.dll library in your system, for example,
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\EncryptPDFOCX.dll
3.Put the test.asp file into your "C:\wwwhome" directory,
5.Run the MS IE software, input site, and open the "test.asp" file,
6.The result files are generated in the "C:\wwwhome" directory.

Please refer to the ASP code at below,
dim oTest
dim very_ID
dim ret
Set oTest = Server.CreateObject("EncryptPDFOCX.CEncryptPDF")
Response.write "Create Object Success!"
if very_ID < 0 then
Response.write "Convert  Failer!"
Response.write very_ID
Response.write "Convert  Success!"
end if

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