When open password protected PDF file, sometime we can not open it normally even if we have input the password correctly. Please do not feel puzzled when encounter such problem maybe the PDF has been damaged so you can not view it normally. If you have realized that the PDF has been damaged , searching some tool for repairing PDF will come into your mind. In the market there are lots of software which can be used to repair PDF but here VeryPDF will show you one method for repairing PDF directly even if it is password protected.
The software I use is named as VeryPDF PDF Repair Cloud API, by which we can repair PDF automatically. This software is cloud based, so you can fix damaged PDF by this API at any computer system. The process undergoes within browser, so when use this software web net connection is necessary. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to use it.
What kind of elements could be fixed in PDF by this cloud API?
- Recover Cross Reference Table
- Recover Pages
- Rebuild streams
- Rebuild fonts
- Repairs corrupt PDF file without modifying original formatting (fonts, outlines, colors)
How to repair PDF by this cloud API?
- Please open any kind of browser and then input URL following the below URL example then you can repair PDF easily.
- Please note when you use this software, you do not need to download any application like PDF reader and others.
- Here is an example of URL:
By this URL, we can repair password protected PDF easily. When use VeryPDF cloud API, you need to upload your local PDF file to online PDF file. For uploading PDF file, please use VeryPDF ShareFile. Now let us check the URL, first you need to change the apikey to real code which need to buy. Change the URL of example to the real URL of the PDF. At the end of the URL, please specify the password. Now let us check parameters used:
-repair: option to fix the damaged PDF file easily
-opw: please input the open password after this parameter.
-upw:please input the master password after this parameter.
This API also can help you try to restore word art, clip art, shapes, charts, tables, and more without any slightest modification to your PDF file. So when you can not open PDF file normally, why not try to free method to fix it. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.