We are looking for a utility that will combine multiple HTML pages into one PostScript file, while "optimizing" the PS file (i.e. removing duplicate images, fonts, etc.). We are also looking to add some duplexing commands to the PS file, as there can be a mixture of simplex and duplicate HTML pages within the same stream.
Do any of your products allow and new PS file "stream" to be created and left open, appending additional HTML files to it?
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you. We haven't this type of software yet. At the moment, we have following products,
1. HTML Converter Command Line (htmltools.exe)
You can run following command line to convert a HTML file to PS file,
htmltools.exe D:\test.html D:\out.ps
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.ps
2. HTMLPrint to Any Converter Command Line
You can run following command line to convert a HTML file to PS file,
html2any.exe -printtops C:\out.ps https://www.verypdf.com
however, these products haven't following functions yet, we will try to implement them in the future releases,
1. Allow you to add some duplexing commands to the PS file,
2. Allow you to open the existing PS file and append additional HTML files to it,