I am running Windows7 Professional 64 bit OS.
I downloaded PDFcamp V2.3 and ran the setup but it does not appear on the programs list and I cannot select it as a printer.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a Windows7 issue. Your Support page refers to both XP and Vista but not Windows7.
Please download PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 from following page to try, PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 does support both 32bit and 64bit systems,
I purchased PDFcamp x64 v2.5 and it works, however, I have two new problems.
It has started to behave in a very strange way. It keeps popping up with the File Save menu (where you are asked for the file name of the PDF) and it always shows the file name as being:
Remote Desktop Redirected Printer Doc.pdf
It is so annoying that I have had to uninstall.
In the 32-bit version, if you specify a PDF name that already exists, you are given the option Overwrite, Insert at beginning, Add at end.
The ability to ADD was one of the most attractive features of PDFcamp.
The 64-bit version does not allow this. All you can do is overwrite.
Thanks and regards
You can set the default output filename to PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 version, please by following steps to set the output filename,
1. Please open "C:\Program Files\PDFcamp Printer (x64) v2.5\config.ini" file in notepad, change the "EmptyFileNameAfterPrinting" to "0", save it, when you print a document to PDFcamp Printer on 64bit system, PDFcamp Printer will not clear the "AutomaticDirectory" value in registry,
2. Please set following registry items on 64bit system,
AutomaticDirectory=C:\out.pdf Type is: "REG_SZ"
AutomaticOutput=1 Type is: "REG_DWORD"
AutomaticValue=2 Type is: "REG_DWORD"
AutoView=0 Type is: "REG_DWORD"
Please double check the "Type" carefully, if you use "REG_SZ" type for "AutomaticOutput" or "AutomaticValue" or "AutoView", your values will not work.
3. OK, please a document to PDFcamp Printer on 64bit system, you will get a PDF file at specified path, it doesn't popup save as dialog now.
If you still have same problem, please create a remote desktop account on your test machine, after we logged into your test machine, we will research this problem for you asap.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 doesn't support Append and Insert options, we will try to support this option in the future, we will let you know after these features are available, thanks for your patience.