PNG, which is also called Portable Network Graphics, was designed for transferring images on the Internet. It is a bitmapped image format which employs lossless data compression. As an image-file format not requiring a patent license, PNG was created to improve upon and replace GIF . PNG supports images like palette-based images , grayscale images, and RGB[A] images.
This article aims to introduce a method to convert OpenOffice to PNG image. Please follow the steps as below:
Step 1: Launch VeryPDF docPrint Pro by double clicking the icon of it, you will find six buttons under the list box.
Figure. 1
Step 2: Add files
Click the first button “Add file(s)” as illustrated above in Figure. 1. There will pop out a prompt window, on the bottom of which you will find two combo boxes as illustrated below.
Figure. 2
Click the second arrow and select the “Files of type” to “All Files(*.*)” on the drop-down menu as below. The difference between “All Files” and “All Supported Files” is that the former one refers to all the types of files, while the latter one only indicates the usually used types like PPT, TXT and PDF.
Figure. 3
Select the file you want to convert from OpenOffice to PNG in the list box, and click it, then the file name will appear in the box on the right of “File name”, after that, click “Open” .
Step 3: set output format
Click the second button “Setting” as in Figure.1. Then, select the “Output format” to “.png” in the combo box, and click “OK” to finish setting.
Figure. 4
Step 4: Start converting
Click the third button “Start” as in Figure. 1, and select the path to save the outputting image. Click “OK” to start converting from OpenOffice to PNG. When the printer icon disappears from the right down corner of the screen, it means, the PNG image is ready. The following screenshot shows the effect of the image converted from OpenOffice to PNG.
Figure. 4