How to convert a document of mht to tga image?

How to convert a document of mht to tga image?


You can see Figure1.It shows the whole process of converting mht to tga.This article will explain to you how to convert mht to tga format according to Figure1.

The dialog box at the bottom of Figure1 is cmd.exe program in which you can input DOS command line.So this article is about converting mht to tga in a command line.You will need a software which supports command line.Someone will ask,why do you use command line application to convert mht to tga format?Suppose you want to process an image dynamically from a web script or you want to apply the same operations to many images or repeat a specific operation at different times to the same or different image. In these cases, the command-line image processing utility is appropriate.

So choosing software is very important.You should choose a suitable software for your conversion.HTML Converter Command Line is a very powerful converting software which allows you to create previews or thumbnails of web pages in a number of different formats, such as TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TGA, JP2 (JPEG2000), PNM, etc. It also allows you to convert web pages to PDF, PS (postscript), WMF, EMF vector formats.

The download website is

The following contents are the interpretations to Figure1.

First,you should open cmd.exe dialog box by clicking “start”—“run” and input “cmd” in “open” edit box,then click “OK” or pressing “Windows”+ “R” on your key board at the same time.

Second,input command lines in cmd.exe dialog box.The structure of command line is

“htmltools.exe” “input.mht” output.tga

htmltools.exe is the called program.It is the executable file in HTML Converter Command Line.You don’t need to input the whole path of htmltools.exe,you can drag the file into the dialog.Then it will turn to file path automatically.You can see the path below arrow 1.

input.mht is the source file.You can also drag the source file into cmd.exe dialog box.Please see the path below arrow 2.

NOTE:Don’t forget to add space between each path.

output.tga is the target file.You can specify the directory for target file yourself.If not,the file will be saved in current directory like the command in Figure1.

Third,you can find your target file and browse it.

If you want to set parameters for target file,you can input the directory of htmltools.exe in cmd.exe and click “Enter” button.It will appear the description of htmltools.exe in the dialog.Then you can choose the command you need to set parameters.

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