If you want to convert the document of word to png format file,you can choose docPrint Pro which can convert MS Office 97/2000/XP/2003/2007, WordPerfect, AutoCAD DWG, PostScript, Adobe Acrobat PDF and many other document types to Adobe Acrobat PDF, PostScript, EPS, XPS, PCL, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, EMF, WMF, GIF, TGA, PIC, PCD and BMP etc formats. It works in both GUI version and Command Line version. With docPrint Document Converter Professional you can convert your documents from and to 50+ formats easily.
docPrint Pro may help you realize all the functions you need when converting word to png,such as resolution of image,watermarks headers and footers,multiple pages on one sheet,paper scaling,rotate page and so on.It may do the work you need perfectly.But if you want to convert word to png format file only and don’t want to set any parameters,it will be more easier.
You can download docPrint Pro at the following website:https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe.You can follow the prompts appeared in each dialog box to install docPrint Pro after double clicking the setup file.You’d better make docPrint Pro as your default printer,which can save your time a lot in your work.
Please follow the steps below to fulfill your task about converting word to png and it will only be no more than 2 minutes.
1.Find the word document which needs to be converted in your computer and double click to open it.You can also right click it and choose “open” option in the dropdown list to open the document.Then you can use the following two ways to run your printer driver:(1).Click “File” in the toolbar and click “Print” in the dropdown list.(2).The hot key “Ctrl”+ “P” is also a good idea.
If you have set docPrint Pro as your default printer,you can right click the word document and click “Print” in dropdown list instead of opening the file,which will save you a lot of time and you don’t need to do useless operations.
In the popup “Print” dialog box,please see Figure1,you should choose docPrint as your current printer in “Name” combo box and click “OK” button.
2.Then you can see a “docPrint” dialog box like Figure2 shows.You should do the following operations to open “Save As” dialog box.
(1).Click “File”—“Save As”.
(3).The hot key “Ctrl”+ “S”.
3.In “Save As” dialog box showed in Figure3,you can save your word documents to png format file via the operations below.
(1).Please set a suitable location for your target file in “Save in” combo box,you can choose any location in your computer.
(2).Edit a name for your target file in “File name” edit box,just like “hello”, “morning”,etc.
(3).The most important is to choose the file format for the target file.If you want to convert word to png,please select “PNG File” option in “Save as type” combo box.
(4).Click “Save” button to run the conversion and save your target file.
Maybe 5 seconds later,you will see your png format file in the specified location in your computer.Then you can do any changes to the target file,such as designing,editing and so on.