Convert Office to PDF and set PDF keywords by command line

If you plan to use command line to convert office to PDF and set PDF keywords, you should try VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro). The command line application included in Document Converter—docPrint Pro Command Line—enables you to convert all sorts of documents created by Office to PDF files and set PDF keywords by command lines. Only three steps are needed:

First of all, please click here to download Document Converter. After you install it on the computer, open the installation folder and you can find the executable file named doc2pdf there. This executable file is docPrint Pro Command Line.

Second, before use docPrint Pro Command Line, you need to open a command prompt window. In Windows 7, Vista, and XP, you can open the command prompt window as follows: open the Start menu, point to All Programs, move cursor to Accessories, and at last click Command Prompt.

The last step is to type a command line according to the following syntax:

doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]

To set PDF keywords, you need to use the option -k <keywords>.The option parameter -k requires a character string as its argument. Please use a pair of quotation marks to enclose the character string. For example, if you want to convert a PPT file to a PDF file, and set three keywords, please type a command line like the following one:

doc2pdf.exe -k “pdf, ppt, office” -i C:\source.ppt -o D:\target.pdf

For another example, if you are doing batch conversion from DOC to PDF, and want to set the same PDF keywords for each output file, you can type a command line similar to the following one. Just don’t forget to press Enter after typing a command line.

doc2pdf.exe -k “office, adobe” -i C:\*.doc -o D:\*.pdf

This article only explains how to convert Office to PDF and set PDF keywords by command line. If you are interested in other usages of docPrint Pro Command Line, please visit:

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