When you need to convert htm to image, say htm to postscript, these following paragraphs will be helpful for you. I do the conversion from htm to postscript by software called docPrint Pro. It has another name that is Document Converter which can help you do the conversion in many aspects.
This software is the combination of GUI version and CMD version. Here I will take the conversion from htm to postscript by its GUI version for example to show you how to use this application.
Download this software to your PC.
Here is the free downloading link for you. https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe By it, you can get the trail version, if you need the full function version, you have to register it. The registration code will be sent to your email box after you pay for it. Through visiting its homage, you can know more about it. Here is the link for you. https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html When the installation finishes, there will be icon on the desktop. Double click it, and then you can get it started.
Set the output file format.
As we need get the postscript files showing the content of htm files, we should set the output file format as postscript. This step can be finished by clicking the button “Setting”. Once you click it, then you can enter its homage. In the “Base Setting” tab, there is a dropdown list for you to choose the output file format as postscript which has been short as ps as I showed in the following picture. If you need to adjust the image resolution and color depth, please go to “Save image mode”. Once you finish the setting part, you can click the button “OK” to back to its main interface.
Add files to it.
According to my experience, you can add files by the following three ways.
- 1. Add files by dragging. You can drag files needed converting from its containing folder to software interface.
- 2. Add files through clicking the button “Add Files”. Once you click the button “Add Files”, there will bounce a new combo box which allows you to choose the folder saving htm files.
- 3. Add files by pressing the button “File” on the top, then you can choose “Add Files”
Run the conversion.
Click the button “Start” to choose a folder to save the converted files. Meanwhile the conversion from htm to postscript will be launched. A few seconds later, you can check the output files in the chosen folder.
Here I will call an end for the conversion htm to postscript. Thanks for your reading.