How to convert documents of OpenOffice to CIN?

docPrint Document Converter Professional allows to convert document of OpenOffice to cin because it has the ability to convert any printable documents to image formats. In this article, you will see the conversion method at first, then the introduction to docPrint Document Converter Professional in the end.

Please download docPrint Pro which is the short name of docPrint Document Converter Professional at and install it on your computer. There are only three steps in the conversion from OpenOffice to cin and you can master it in a short time only by some easy clicks.

The virtual printer application of docPrint Pro docPrint will play the leading role in this article because it is not only a simple virtual printer, it is also a document converter which can convert many types of printable documents to image formats. You can see docPrint in the printer list by clicking “Start” and clicking “Printers and Faxes” after installing docPrint Pro on your computer.

Please see the following contents and you will do get some useful information about the conversion from document of OpenOffice to cin. Just download docPrint Pro and follow the steps below.

The first step is running the printer driver. Please click “File”—“Print” in an opened OpenOffice document to open the “Print” dialog box. Then please choose “docPrint” as the printer from all the installed printers in “Printer” combo box and click “Print” button. Of course, you can also use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “P” to open the “Print” dialog box. If you have set docPrint as the default printer, please right click the document and choose “Print” option for directly running docPrint.

The second steps is opening “Save As” dialog box in the popup docPrint main window. To smoothly open this dialog box, you can click “File”—“Save as” or click the “Save File” button in the toolbar. Or you can use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “S” to open “Save As” dialog box.

The last step is to save the target file in “Save As” dialog box. Please find an output location for the target file in “Save in” combo box and input the name in the “File name” edit box. Then please choose the right output format in “Save as type” combo box and click “Save” button. For your better understanding the dialog box, please see it in Figure1.

 save OpenOffice to cin


Then, please find the target file in the specified location when the conversion from OpenOffice to cin. If you want to read more articles about docPrint, please enter the blog VeryPDF Knowledge Base for some other ones.

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