If there are some useful information on the webpage and you want to store them as the image formats such as JPEG format, how do you fulfill the conversion from webpage to jpeg and which kind of application you should use? In this article, you will see the detailed steps about converting webpage to jpeg and the tool you should take.
The application tool recommended in this article is Document Converter which is a professional document converter application designed for converting any printable documents to image formats. You can use any one of the internal applications of Document Converter. Please choose the GUI application for your batch conversion. You can use the command line application for developing software. The virtual printer application can be used as Windows printer also a document converter.
So for the purpose of converting webpage to jpeg, you can take the virtual printer application because it is able to convert any printable document to various image format. When you download Document Converter at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe and install it on your computer, you can see two new added virtual printers appear in the printer list—docPrint and docPrint PDF driver. The leading role in this article is docPrint and you just need to print the webpage to docPrint for launching it.
You should open a Webpage online with some kind of browser. Then please run the printer driver on your computer. Please click “File” and click “Print” in the dropdown list. Then you will see the “Print” dialog box in which you can set “docPrint” as the current printer in “Printer” combo box which supplies many installed printers of your computer. Then please click on “OK” button for continuing the work.
Then you will see the main interface of docPrint on the screen and you should use one of the following ways to open the “Save As” dialog box in which you can save the webpage to jpeg. You can use the quick way by pressing the hot key “Ctrl”+ “S” to open the “Save As” dialog box. Or you can use the “Save File” button which looks like a floppy disk in the toolbar. You can also take the regular way to click “File” and click “Save as” in the dropdown list.
At last, please save the target file in “Save As” dialog box. You can find the location for the target file in “Save in” combo box. You are allowed to input the name for the target file in “File name” edit box. The “Save as type” combo box allows you to choose the right output format and then please click on “Save” button. Please see the “Save As” dialog box in Figure1.
When you click on “Save” button, you can see a green progress bar at the bottom of docPrint interface and the bar will disappear when the conversion from webpage to jpeg is over. You can get more information about Document Converter on its homepage via clicking here.