If you find there are some useful or interesting information on some webpage and you want to save them as your own file forever, you may need to convert the document to some kind of image format, such as postscript format. This article will teach you how to convert the document of webpage to postscript format image with the help of the command line application of Document Converter. You just need to read the following contents carefully.
Before the conversion, you should download the command line application at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe for free trial. You need to install the application on your computer and the executable file named as doc2pdf.exe is the called program file in this conversion. Then please see the specific steps about the conversion.
1. Please open MS-DOS interface for the command line application is a MS-DOS oriented and supported one. You should click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then click “OK” button. If you love to use the hot key, you can press “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box.
2. The command line that you ought to input in MS-DOS interface is consisted of called program, source file and target file. You can take the following command line example as a reference when you type your commands:
doc2pdf –i “https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html” –o C:\out.ps
NOTE: .ps is the extension name of the postscript format image.
In the command line,
doc2pdf stands for the called program. You should use its path in the command line for calling it.
–i “https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html” stands for the link of the webpage document.
–o C:\out.ps specifies the name of output file.
3. The last step is to click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from webpage to postscript.
If you need to buy the command line application of Document Converter, please click the following link: https://www.verypdf.com/order_docprintpro.html.
In fact, there are also two other applications in Document Converter. You can use the GUI application to make batch conversion for it is good at this work. You can use the virtual printer application to save paper and ink by scaling page size or combining pages on one single sheet.